2024 Audi RS E-Tron GT 24/12k $4k DAS ~$850/mo

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Got the Calculator to line up pretty closely: RS Etron GT Calculator

Got 0.00037 MF using Ratefindr and dealer gave it to me with 12% off the top and 20k in rebates. Tax credits as well, looks like they charged me 1% in Tax.

Paid Tax, lease acquisition fee, registration and $1349 Audi Care up front + first month. ~$850mo/24mo. Probably could have done better, but not much 2024 inventory left and got tax credits to cover most of the tax.

You could do better with 10k or 7.5k miles if that’s all you need



Mileage penalty is cheaper than higher mileage lease programs

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Where did you get this one? There is a dealer in TX near me and I had an appointment for this one tomorrow at 10am. Now it’s gone. :frowning:

Grapevine, next to DFW Airport. They had 5 total RS I think, but this was the only Suzuka Gray (looks white to me). They had a few black ones and the bluish gray color in RS, nicer blue colors in regular etron GT (not RS).

Edit: Non RS has a far lower residual, like almost 10% lower AND a higher MF. Go figure.

where can i find the mileage penalty ?

Also why pay for Audi care?

It bumps up the residual 1%. So on a car this expensive, it is basically free. Also Audi service isn’t cheap

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It’s also pointless on an EV


Its a marginal difference anyway. And it might void the warranty or something, who knows

Bumping the residual by 1% cuts another $1500 or so off the total lease price. You’re net a few hundred cheaper overall for taking Audi Care because the residual bump is so high.

Agree, but it literally lowers the price to less than the Audi Care price, so why not


You can cancel the audicare within 30 days for a full refund and keep the 1% residual bump fyi. But if you take advantage of audicare, it nearly pays for itself at both services so might as well keep it.

As for mileage, its $.25/mile paying after contract, or $.23/mile more paying for it “up front” by bumping milage from 7,500 to 12,000 for example, so you do save $.02/mile, or $90/year, or a few happy meals.

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Doesn’t apply for Texas

Edit: I meant cancelling Audi care

Canceling AudiCare or the mileage pricing?

Cancelling AudiCare, afaik it’s only work for CA contracts

I tried to cancel Audi Care before terminating my RS e-tron GT and they said it can’t be done for TX

@MisterGoober I sent you a dm. Would like a contact pls.

Apologies for the delay, sending now :slight_smile:

Many thanks to @MisterGoober and the community at large - I got the same deal at the dealership with an end of month hack. Thanks!


same grapevine dealership? what’s end of month hack?

Same one. End of month - they were motivated to do the deal yesterday since they wanted it counted as an October sale. You may be able to get a similar deal by just being insistent. But like what @MisterGoober said, not much stock in DFW left. I would say try and do a deal now rather than go for Thanksgiving extra discount. I’m not sure what the November incentives are like however.

Can you share lease sheet so that I can replicate the deal? I don’t know if they will be ok with leasehackr calculator

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