2024 Audi RS e-tron GT 12/7.5k $699 DAS 699 mo


Chances are if they’re not receptive to your offer, they simply just think they can do better and no amount of worksheets on dealer letterhead is going to change that.


Hm. Thanks. Guess I gotta be a little more aggressive and resourceful.

If it was foolproof, I’d be doing it regularly to trick dealers into giving it up. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Lol :joy: I’m used to California dealers and had a lot of success, I just moved to Dallas so im trying to learn the lay of the land. I’m determined lol. You obviously have more experience than I.

Wow, that’s a steal! I may have to electric with the death of it.

To everyone who’s clamoring that the deal is great, it obviously is. I have the same car and it’s 673 w first and MSD due. That said, you get what you pay for. If you’re ok with no range, buggy MMI, weird driving dynamics, etc, get it for a year to screw around with. Don’t think that you’re getting some supercar at a steal. They’re giving these cars away for a reason. And for comparison, I’m coming from a Taycan 4s.


What do you mean by this? I just started an AFS lease at the end of December for the first time :slight_smile:

Original lessee is liable, even after the lease swap.

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Just like Nissan.

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FACTS :100: first drive down the empty tollway and i was like this car does not gives me the road confidence at all - also my first EV too so could be me getting used to it. Corvette or mach 1 Mustang (even the LT1 Camaro) i drove in the past was more confident

terrible range - even in efficiency 100% battery i don’t see 270 miles ever unless the AC is OFF

and what’s with the wheel slip upon launch it’s quattro system - it recovers very quickly like in a split second but like M5s i wouldn’t hear any chirp or maybe the engine noise is too loud

but buggy MMI is true i already had one trip to the dealer because SOS, Bluetooth, CarPlay and Airbags module all needed a software reset

at one of the fast charger it just randomly decided to throw Charging Malfunction - see dealer error kinda thing - thankfully just pressed the button on the charging thing couple times and it let the charger loose otherwise it was just stuck

one day it just threw a battery malfunction error and just went away couple minutes later - another trip to the dealer to get it checked

first new car where i have to go the dealer in the first year of ownership other than oil changes.

i was thinking to extend for 6 month but nah

built like a tank but doesn’t give the feeling when it drives

definitely makes sense why audi is giving so much money on this - CAFE regulations must stay off their ass with the amount of evs they got going

i take care of my cars - lease or not - regardless because i want it work during my ownership not get stranded so i know im not pushing this car at all

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Had similar issues including a driveline failure with my 22 Taycan 4s. Dealer bought it back makes me hesitant on these. Taycan drove well but would not charge at home or on electrify. was just a pain in the ass. They are not like Teslas with the reliable over the air updates and Teslas always charge with no errors. Tesla’s Don’t handle as well but that is the trade off.

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I don’t have an e-tron, but my '21 A6 has had weird software and powertrain issues. On several occasions, when I put the car in reverse, the screen for the back up camera goes blank. Dealer looked at it a while back, and I thought the issue was fixed. However it happened again this week. The parking sensors are super sensitive. They seem to always beep. Anyway, I am glad my lease is up in a couple of months.

For a second, I was thinking of snagging one of these for myself, but given some of the issues I have experienced with my car, not sure sure I am ready for another Audi. I will also be paying 6.25% MA sales tax + yearly excise tax.

My regular GT has been pretty flawless so far. Handling and acceleration are great.

I’m surprised you found LT1 to be more stable than this, that thing was always sliding for me. Fun, but I wouldn’t dare drive it to its limit in new areas.

Yea the range most definitely sucks. As does trunk space.


Liable for what, sorry I’m still learning!

If the person who takes over the lease does not make the payments, Audi Financial Services (AFS) will come after you. Your credit will also be affected.

got it, thank you!

Closed upon request of OP, flooded by DMs.