2023 Tesla Model 3 Lease Transfer - New Jersey - $370/Month, 25 months, 26k Miles Remaining

Year, Make, Model, and Trim: 2023 Tesla Model 3 Standard RWD
Location: Morris County, NJ

Monthly payment (pre-tax): $370
Effective monthly payment (if incentive is provided): $370

Current mileage: 9700
Maturity mileage: 36,000
Effective miles per month:1052
Maturity date: 10/2026

MSD due (if any): None
Cash due (if any): None
Incentive for new lessee (if any): None

Financial institution: Tesla
Transfer fee: $500

Vehicle condition (accidents, tire wear, etc.), options, and other details: Good condition, white interior


my advice is to go to swap a lease, based on my similar sale of my M3 which had a payment of $354. I had a lot of interest and sold in 1 week. Be ready to spend 2-4 weeks with Tesla finance to play games and order title, not respond to email, and just leave you frustrated with the process. best of luck

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can we connect ?

would be interested in this

Iā€™m interested

I am interested in it. Nyc pick up is good.