2023 Suzuka Grey E-Tron GT one pay, $10K. Should I?

I have a dealer that offered me a one pay on a 2023 Suzuka E Tron GT, should I go for it? I haven’t had much luck on conventional lease but I feel like this is a good way to go on a one year. I can prob get those two added fees off as well to drop it a bit more but the picture shows the payment on a one year or I can just do the 10k one pay. If I can get the 2500 off does it become a great deal? If I can’t does that make it a horrible one?

It’s hard to evaluate a deal without knowing what the deal is. There can’t be any ambiguity about a ~25% swing in the price.

Is it a $10k one pay or a ~$7,500 one pay?

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He told me that they’d really like to keep them on obviously because they’re so aggressive with the one pay but I think if I argued enough it would come off.

What’s a two year look like?

He told me it would be a much worse deal
But didn’t offer specifics.

Did he by chance ask if you were vaccinated with Gardisil9 - for the inevitable handshake?


It sounds like you don’t really know what makes a good or bad deal. You should take the time to understand:

  1. What you are willing to spend
  2. What you think a good deal would be for this car
  3. Then finally, after the above 2, what the general leasehackr would consider a good deal for this car? Understanding 1 and 2 should help you guess this answer.

To point you in the right direction on #2, you should get wayyy more detail from your dealer on this lease. Is this lease for 7,500 miles? What’s the RV? What’s the MF and is it marked up? Can you add Audicare, and if yes, how much does the dealer charge? Is the dealer adding those add-ons to increase cap cost above RV? If you do remove them, how do you plan on bringing ACC above RV?

This forum is all about enabling users to help themselves. It does nobody any good for someone else to just say “yes” or “no” to your deal. Only you can answer that question.

Thank you for the insight! I did leave out some details. It’s a one pay lease at 7500 miles for the year. I’ve gotten it down to $9000 one pay which equates to a $750/mo payment. No other added fees or extra charges. From what I’ve researched that’s the best I’ve been able to find on a 117k sticker car. I apologize for leaving out the pertinent info but haven’t gotten RF and MF from the dealer yet.

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No need to apologize! It sounds like you’re on the right track. Once you confirm the RV is correct and the MF the dealer is using, the MF might be a point of negotiation. If they refuse to remove the addons, maybe they can lower the MF markup instead.

Also, if you do not have Audicare you should look into adding it. It costs somewhere around $899-1k and bumps the RV up 1%, but that may put your ACC<RV which means the deal might not fund.

Lastly, if your goal is to get a payment that is as good as or better than the other deals on your MSRP car, then it sounds like you’ve achieved that according to your research and you should take the deal. Don’t let perfection get in the way of good.

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Objectively a very good deal. The best deal ever posted on LH? No. But a very good deal.

Between normal sales, stop-sales and the fact that it’s late November 2023, there can’t be many MY23s left in the radius you’re willing to drive. Shipping from the coasts kills a 12m lease.

If that’s the case then take it before someone else does.

I’ve got a deposit on it. She’s a beaut, Clark!


He has one more incoming with a 109 sticker that he can lease as well on the one pay. Should be a little less per year than mine. PM me if interested and I can get you the details :blush:

So I finally have the contract and the total they have due for me 10,655. They said they have to charge property tax on the lease there even if I’m in Kansas and when I go to register I shouldn’t have to pay it then. Does that sound right? Are most leases that show a monthly payment including property tax or just sales tax?

Certainly seems like that should have been included in the initial quote. How were they off by $1,655?! Seems suspect.

Edited to add: quotes should show all tax applicable to where you tell them the car will be registered. Every time I have ever asked a dealer for #s, the dealer asks for zip code where I will register vehicle and they calculate taxes and fees appropriately on that basis.

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You shouldn’t have to pay property tax for a municipality you don’t live in, if that’s what they are saying.

They’re saying that they are paying my Kansas property tax so I don’t have to. I just didn’t know if that’s usually included in a normal monthly lease payment they advertise.

If it’s itemized on the paperwork and you have proof to avoid being double taxed, then it’s fine right?

Basically you’re just prepaying a bill that would come later in the mail?

Yes I think I’m covered there. I was just curious as to if all these good deals people are showing are with property tax included or just sales tax.

Most states don’t even have property tax for cars.

Of those that do, MA and VA generate a bill after a car is registered AFAIK. Bank pays it and ultimately charges the lessee. I don’t think there’s a way to pay it during lease inception even if someone wanted to.