2023 Porsche Cayenne Demo

Your wish is my command:

Once upon a time, in Riverside’s heart,
There dwelled a man named Max, with love for cars.
Yet he despised four cylinders, their art
He found lackluster, lacking joy and stars.

His garage filled with vehicles of might,
With engines six, eight, or twelve cylinders.
Max yearned for power, speed, a thrilling flight,
A symphony of revs, road warriors.

For in his youth, he bought a compact car,
A humble four-cylinder, weak in drive.
Its acceleration left him unmarred,
Max sought more vigor, roaring engines alive.

Through forums, Max voiced his discontent,
The “Cylinder Crusader” was his name.
He argued with a passion never spent,
Against the merits of a car so tame.

One day, a car show ad did catch his eye,
Promising power, spectacles profound.
Max felt compelled to witness, mystified,
And find companions who shared his renown.

Arriving there, he marveled at the sight,
Exotic V12s and muscle cars’ roar.
Each vehicle exuded pure delight,
An automotive haven he’d explore.

Yet hidden in a corner, Max did see,
A hatchback with a modest four-cylinder.
Curiosity grew, he went to see,
To learn the story of this tiny pillar.

The owner, Lily, an engineer bright,
Unveiled the car’s enhancements, her pride.
Max listened with an open mind, alight,
As Lily’s words the truth did soon confide.

She spoke of modern tech, advancements grand,
That made small engines mighty, strong, and fast.
Max’s preconceptions began to disband,
Enlightenment replaced judgments amassed.

Max now understood his bias had erred,
In dismissing four cylinders outright.
He grasped the beauty that could be conferred,
And embraced diversity’s shining light.

With newfound wisdom, Max acquired a Tesla,
A marvel of efficiency and grace.
He celebrated all cars’ diverse spectra,
Acknowledging each one’s unique embrace.

Max spread his story, teaching far and wide,
Of the importance to embrace and learn.
He celebrated unity, not divide,
Within the automotive world’s great churn.

So, let Max’s journey be a testament,
To keep an open mind, let go of hate.
For in diversity, true joys are sent,
And appreciation for all engines await.