2023 Nissan Armada SV - 443.72/mo $16k DAS

Year, Make, Model, and Trim: 2023 Nissan Armada SV
Location: Houston, TX Area

MSRP: $62,560
Monthly payment (pre-tax): $443.72/mo
Effective monthly payment (if incentive is provided): $1,015.15/mo (I am negotiable on cash due)

Current mileage: 8300 mi
Maturity mileage: 36000 mi
Effective miles per month: 1038 mi
Maturity date: 03/28/2027

MSD due (if any): 0
Cash due (if any): $16k (negotiable)
Incentive for new lessee (if any):

Financial institution: NMAC
Transfer fee: Unsure (I will pay it)
Out-of-state transfer allowed (yes/no): Yes

Vehicle condition (accidents, tire wear, etc.), options, and other details: Amazing condition, has undergone first service

you’re asking for $16k cash to you and assume the rest of the lease at $443.72 per month?

OP - And since this is with NMAC, I assume you are ok with remaining liable on the lease. You may want to confirm/affirm that in your post.


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He’s safe here. No one is taking this here.


Great deal someone who is looking for an Armada.

Did you mean 16k insensitive? If so, I can sign today!

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Sheesh I don’t know if this would even move on SAL.

I pay the $440 amount per month currently. I put 16k down as part of a trade in.

I am willing to negotiate the cash due, just want to get out of this lease and into one of the XC90 T8s

You’re stuck with this until the end.


You could get the 2024 Armada Platinum for $60K in Florida

Negotiable? I’d like to offer -$16,000. If this doesn’t work, we can meet near the middle at -$2000 DAS. I’m practically taking this off your hands.

$2,000 DAS and you’re assuming the remaining 28 mos of payments?

Sorry you’re def not getting any of the 16K back. Your original deal seems like no discount at all