Hi everyone,
Quite confused about the whole leasing process. Wondering if anyone can help with what MF, residual and lease or loyalty credits I should be looking for on a 2023 Mini Cooper Hardtop 2 door.
I’m in California.
Thanks so much!
Hi everyone,
Quite confused about the whole leasing process. Wondering if anyone can help with what MF, residual and lease or loyalty credits I should be looking for on a 2023 Mini Cooper Hardtop 2 door.
I’m in California.
Thanks so much!
It is practically impossible for us to tell you what a “good” monthly payment is for your specific lease as lease programs are highly dependent on region, personal qualifications, tax rates, etc.
We always recommend the following method before you ever contact a dealership. If you do all of the work up front, you’ll have a stress free dealer experience and set yourself for success.
With a target price determined, you now have a deal to pursue and compare dealer offers against. More importantly, you have a solid foundation to work from.
Copy, thank you for this info!
Edmunds says .00238 and 57%. Autobytel says no incentives.
Why would you choose the worst time in memory to lease? At a time when “experts” can’t find good deals, mainly because they don’t exist, what chance does anyone have?
Hi @alphawave7 ,
First, thanks for providing MF and RV. I am also interested to lease a 2023 Mini, but the electric one. Do you happen to know if the EV one has the same MF, and RV. I couldn’t find it anywhere yet.
Last Question, any idea how I can get the acquisition fee and dealer fee other than asking the dealer for this information ?
You help will be much appreciated.
Btw, my zip code is 92101, looking for a lease on 36/10k terms
Thank you
@wilderpr You can find the RV/MF based on your location using our Rate Findr.
Yes, I tried, but they don’t have the 2023 electric model in the Rate Findr tool
Howdy Wilderpr!
Edmunds has claimed several times they don’t get any data on the MINI Copper SE electric, but the standard MINI acq. fee is $925, and IIRC, the state dealer fee is capped at $85, Dispo should be $350. This info will help fill the holes in the calc a bit more, at least. Cheers!
edit: might peruse the NorthAmericanMotoring forum and ask if anyone has recently leased an SE…if you score new info, report back!
Unfortunately, the reason why you have been unable to find any rates for the Cooper SE is because it has never been available for lease. Cash purchasing, or financing, are the only ways to go for that model. However, do keep in mind that this model is no longer eligible for the Clean Vehicle tax credit.
If you are interested, I am happy to answer any questions regarding the vehicle―I recently took delivery of my 2023 Signature, and am loving it!
Thanks PJ.
Well , I really would like the electric MINI more than SE version, but I think there is only one version of electric MINI and that is SE.
I checked the CVRP California website and it says I’m eligible for 2,000 , but not sure if it is accurate.
Great idea! I hope I can get a good answer, otherwise I’m gonna have to lease another electric car or possibly a Plug-In hybrid car. I don’t want to pay more than $350/month, which sounds kind of hard during this time. Let’s see.
Very hard, unless you like a 18 to 24 mo. Nissan Frontier. Best of luck!
Correct: at least for the time being, the Cooper SE is the electric Mini. They are one and the same.
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