2023 Jeep Grand Cherokee (4xe- Summit)


New at this. Does this seem like good deal?

How does it compare to the Marketplace ?

It looks like you have included all the incentives in the selling price which gives you incorrect calculations due to taxes on the incentives and gives you a data point that you can’t appropriately compare.

Discounts are discounts and incentives are incentives. Don’t combine them.

You’re also missing a bunch of the fees, which further makes your calculations incorrect.


Not particularly a good deal. Should shoot for at least $20K discount considering 2023 model year. 10% discount plus all rebates. Not sure what rebates are offered in your area.

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Here are the docs I got copies of. I can’t match up all of this to the calculator on here. They have to re-do the docs to reflect the following changes below (they didn’t have all my incentives), nor my military $500 they said can’t put in deal. Once approved later, dealer will cut a check for the $500. That doesn’t seem correct and would be better driving MSRP down to $18,750 off:
MSRP- $75750
Rebates- $12500
EP and other true dealer discount- $5750
Your Sale price- $57500
39 months @ $810

In my opinion, that is simply too much to pay for this vehicle knowing a base vehicle would be $300 a month less. It is a very nice Jeep GC 4xe though, so it may be worth it to you. I still think you should shoot for a bogger discount, but maybe the market in your area won’t support it.


Exactly. The first step of leasehacking is to know what makes, models and trims have the right lease programs.

And always employ a sanity check because it’s so easy to get lost in the weeds of contracts and calculations. Who looks at a GC and thinks that should be a $800 per month kinda vehicle?

Not to mention I have a base JGC4xe. It is worth $400-500 a month for what you get. The Summit Reserve has nicer details, but not $300 a month nicer.


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