Hello, I have two options available and will sign on one of them. Looking for any input please. New to lease world. Do both look good, one option appear to be better than other? thanks for your time.
2023 Gladiator (Willys)
MSRP: $56,195
Selling price: $39,395
-add cap item $584
Adjust. Cap Cost: $39,979
Residual: $28,659
Monthly Payment Total $20,096
42 Months / 10k miles
Monthly: $478.48 (with tax incl)
MF: 0.00265 (APR 6.36%)
Base Residual: 51%
Acq/Bank Fee: $695 Total Add on: $584
Fin/Adj Cap: $39,979
Total Due at Sign: $1,173 LeaseHackr Score: 9.8 years 29.9% off MSRP
2023 Gladiator (Mojave)
MSRP: $66,975
Selling price: $48,895
-add cap item $584
Adjust. Cap Cost: $49,479
Residual: $33,813
Monthly Payment Total $26,432
42 Months / 10k miles
Monthly: $629.34 (with tax incl)
MF: 0.00265 (APR 6.36%)
Base Residual: 51%
Acq/Bank Fee: $695 Total Add on: $584
Fin/Adj Cap: $49,479
Total Due at Sign: $1,324 LeaseHackr Score: 8.8 years 27% off MSRP
Backing this up, always preferable not to have a lease, especially a CJDR lease, out of warranty. 42 months would need to be significantly cheaper for me to go with it. Also really increases chance you have to put new tires on the car.
Not that it matters but is this lease through someone other than Stellantis financial? Maybe I am missing something but the numbers here don’t match up to what’s on the leasehackr rate look up tool or the limited info on Edmunds.
If so, than perhaps the 42 month lease is he best option.