2023 BMW 530e (62K MSRP - $650+tax - $0 DAS + $4900 MSDs - 11mo left)

Year, Make, Model, and Trim: 2023 BMW 530e

Location: Orange County, CA

MSRP: $61,920
Monthly payment (pre-tax): $649.48
Effective monthly payment (if incentive is provided): N/A

Current mileage: ~19,900
Maturity mileage: 30,011
Effective miles per month: ~880
Maturity date: 12/2/2025

MSD due (if any): $4,900
Cash due (if any): 0
Incentive for new lessee (if any): 0

Financial institution: BMFS
Transfer fee: $500 + tax
Out-of-state transfer allowed (yes/no): yes, prefer local

Vehicle condition (accidents, tire wear, etc.), options, and other details: Excellent

Original charging cable and CA HOV lane stickers included.
Vehicle can be purchased from BMWFS once lease transfer is completed.
Registration just paid.
No accidents, single owner, non smoking, no pets


Interested. Sent a private message

Is the car still available?

Haven’t heard back via PM

Car is available

Pricey, but the short term length would make it a good pick for the right person.



Do you have it on SAL? Might be easier to move it there or offer an incentive here. Otherwise, you seem to be in no man’s land at 11 months left. Easiest would be to reduce MSD funds due you at transfer.

Also point out how much you just paid for renewal - peeps tend to forget how blood thirsty CA DMV is.

Good looking car! GL!

SAL seems expensive but maybe I will try it or Leasetrader next month. In lieu of those fees, I will offer to pay for the transfer fee on this site only.
The registration fee recently paid was $638.

Thanks for the feedback