2022 QX50 Luxe AWD. Am I getting a good deal?

Hope all is well. I am currently in NJ (willing to go to neighboring states for a better deal).
I visited a Infiniti dealer yesterday, looking to lease a QX50 Luxe AWD, 10K miles. I have attached the info sheet. Money factor is 0.00170. Residual is $26,268
My current lease is coming to an end in about 2 weeks and I am planning to sell it as I currently have some equity. (Don’t think I’ll sell to dealer, as they’re not offering the best price).

You should contact @aronchi he serves our area and should make the process much easier.


$6291 DAS and $471/m on a QX50?

No that is a horrible horrible deal.

The fact that you’re even wondering “is this a good deal?” is a huge red flag.


That is why I’m here asking more experienced people their opinions. Do you have any suggestions as to how to negotiate a better deal?

do what @Jtamayo said and reach out to @aronchi

He’ll take care of you

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In a lease, there’s typically nothing to negotiate beyond what discount the dealer is offering from their side (the leased car is sold from the dealer to the bank).

Everything else (MF, RV, incentives, etc) is out of the dealer’s hands.

Taking a quick look at offers in the Marketplace, there’s 3-4% discount being offered.

But the RV and MF are disappointing.

So a $45k Luxe after 9 MSD comes out to $600 effective including everything except the broker fee.

Or $670 without the MSD.


What made you conclude this was a good candidate for all this effort?


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