2022 GMC AT4 NJ Residual Value


Currently in the process of trying to secure a lease deal on a 2022 GMC AT4 in New Jersey.
Lease details:
10,000 miles/36 months
12,000 miles/36 months

Anyone know what would be the residual value and money factor for these terms?

The forums at Edmunds have always been the place to get MF, RV and any lease cash.

  1. Go to: Forums.Edmunds.com

  2. Click on make & model dropdown menus to find the appropriate thread.

  3. Sign up or log in.

  4. Make a post asking for your specific model, trim, AWD/2WD, etc with your zip code and the desired lease term in months and miles.

Alternately, you can try the Lease Program Query tool on the Leasehackr Calculator, available to Super Supporters.

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