2022 Bolt EV and EUV price drop! $6,300 Customer Cash

ADM = Additional dealer markup. They’re saying the $6300 rebate is coming from GM. If the dealer takes the MSRP and adds the rebate you should have your price unless they’re selling over MSRP or bundling a bunch of stuff you don’t need

Market is about to get interesting.

Potential for $20k Bolts and $30k VW ID.4s make EVs affordable for a large part of the driving population.


I just sold my swapped Bolt to get equity out of it. Happy to pick up a new $20k one next year once they’re widely available again - or rather IF they should become widely available …

Now that this inflation increasing bill passed the senate, will will be able to get the $7500 ev tax credit on top of the discounted price? I’m from Jersey so we also get $4k incentive here from govt. it’s starting to look like a good deal of this can all stack together

As long as

  • It passes the house (Still needs that)
  • You wait to buy till 1/1/2023
  • Chargeup still has funds on 1/1/2023
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A post was merged into an existing topic: 2022 Chevy Bolt EV 2LT purchase deal

I’ve reached out to a few dealers to throw an order in. They all want a dealer markup. :frowning: I’m in Michigan…

Yup. I’m now swapping into a loaded 2023 EUV that has a build date of 9/5. I’ll definitely buy it once the lease is done. Pretty amazing deal.

Any ideas on lead times on a factory order ? What’s a good expectation? I’m planning to order one without super cruise as I know that’s a big delay.

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Like some of you here, I am getting my '20 Bolt LT replaced with '23 EUV Premier.
I wonder what the implication of EV credit will be and I am hoping it brings the price down further which would make it a buy for me rather than lease. Leasing a decked out '23 EUV for $260 a month x36, no money down is awesome, but if those credits are stackable, perhaps I will just buy the darn thing, potentially lower cost version to bring it well below $20k.

I also have a ‘20 Bolt LT , but I don’t quite know what I should do at this point. I’m 25k miles into my 30k lease and will use them up in 3 months. Did you order your new premiere now, or are you simply assuming there will be stock when it’s time for you to buy ?

As part of the Bolt repurchase program, you need to place an order regardless of whether you repurchase or get re-acquired. There is no obligation for you to buy or lease although you order now. I have 6 months left and GM had advised I get to drive my current until the new one is delivered.

Did anyone inform you of this repurchase program? I got letters in 2021 about the a battery replacement “coming soon”, but then total silence in 2022. No further correspondence. What do you recommend I do, contact GM, or the dealership?

You call GM to start the process.

I threw a Bolt order in yesterday on a loaded LT. they told me 18-20 weeks. I think that sits perfect for a January delivery and maybe the tax credit :slight_smile:

Keep in mind there is a chance Bolt’s only get $3750 component minimum credit starting 1/1/23. I don’t see GM vehicles getting the other $3750 for minerals. But better than $0 it gets now.


I wish I contacted a Lemon Law Lawyer first before contacting GM on my own…
They just made every possible way to delay your process
I started my process 3 months ago and has yet placed an order… and a lawyer can’t take your case after you talk to GM and they agreed your trade repurchase. Here in CA, lawyers will get money from GM, so you don’t need to pay anything.

I’m good with whatever way it goes

Are those BOLT LT and premier deal still there in the bay area? (California).
I am in the market, but unable to get the kind of pricing discussed here.

That’s because they don’t exist. Aim for sticker pricing and a dealership that will honor Supplier/factory incentives.