2022 BMW X1 Not sure if I've filled out the calculator correctly?


I have been reading posts in this forum for about a year, but this is my first time filling out the calculator. Any help would be appreciated. TIA!

Here is my filled out calculator:

Attached is my lease worksheet. I’m not sure if I’ve put everything into the correct boxes? HELP!!

TBH you’re just wasting your time. This was a ~$300/month car not too long ago and that’s about what it’s worth.

You’ll never get there now no matter how good a negotiator you are. The RV and MF just aren’t there.

Ask North Scottsdale to match the discount, may have luck getting a match without add ons and potentially base MF.

X1 isn’t worth that much money, it was a pretty crap driving experience…I’d recommend you start looking for a different car.

A dealer that says they’re required to charge the maximum allowable doc fee by law can go pound sand.

Not because they’re charging the same as everyone else but because they’re saying it’s a legal requirement

To address your actual question, no, you haven’t filled the calculator out correctly. The net cap cost is not the selling price. The selling price plus the itemized add ons (tint, etching) is.

Also, your due at sale is $2500, not the down payment.

You’ve also removed a bunch of the fees.

Thank you for your reply. An AWD vehicle only $300/month?

Thank you. Do you have a specific recommendation?

I appreciate your help.

I was being generous, $300/m was on the high end. Some of the more savvy folks on the forum were paying $175.

Let’s be very clear about exactly what this car is and isn’t. It’s a very cheaply built small car on a FWD-based Mini platform. BMW couldn’t give them away.

If you want an AWD car, you can finance a Subaru for less total cost of ownership than this.

Actually, I looked at a Subaru first and they are selling in the 35K+ range, too. Guess I’ll sit tight and hope things get more reasonable in the future.

Total cost of ownership

If you can sit tight that’s a good course of action.

When you’re ready to move, we can discuss in detail. “Subarus are going for $35k” is neither here nor there and honestly a red flag that you need to take a big step back before signing anything.

Thank you for your advice. I’ll be in touch.

Would never EVER pay ~$600 for an X1….

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Would never EVER pay ~$600 for an X1,

okay, thanks

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