2021 Range Rover Westminster Lease- Opinions Please


Then don’t give people advice.

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No but incorrect statements lead to people thinking something that is not true. I’m sure I could find things on other threads.

Making them look like absolute idiots when they bring these concerns to broker/dealer.

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One would think they’d be more lax given the supply issues at hand…

It doesn’t matter!! Why would the dealer/broker misprint a doc fee, they get a much bigger penalty than making $100.

I can guarantee if OP when to manhattan complaining about the $100 doc fee they’d straight up laugh. Esp on a full-size range

And yes, manhattan dealers often give better deals. But what the hell do I know, you seem like you have a lot of “experience” :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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  • coupled with all of the “alternative facts” you gave.

I believe it was August 18th


Just want to chime in that LR/RR will literally shortchange the dealer on their margin if a unit is sold outside of the stores AOR.

Jag was less obnoxious about this in the past.


Correct me if I’m wrong. Your saying they can sell it but they get penalized if they exceed the limit?

He’s saying if they sell outside of their operating region, they get hit with a penalty. Nothing about limit.


Reading comprehension… sigh.

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I can tell… smh

I think you mean " worse by the day"


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“They allow you to use slang in an essay”


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You went to college? Shocking


I had take home tests when I was in college 15 years ago

Just like cars, right?

Cartoon No GIF by Scooby-Doo

You should partner with Mr. Utz.

goku GIF by Dragon Ball Super


Always spot on with the chirps. Certain “brokers” have entered the chat lmao

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