2021 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo X

Selling price is listed as $41,850 on the right side of the sheet.

Ah, I see it now. What a weird way to show it.

It didn’t make much sense to me either. At first I thought the dealer was playing games or moved something around on the second sheet. I had to look at them both a couple of times.

These sheets are different from each other, I’m just showing 2 different deals at different dollar amounts. I’m on the fence about it.

Dealers in SoCal are marking up the cars approx $5k over sticker I’m seeing due to shortage of inventory.

They’re the same deal, just structured differently (different miles/das amount)

Any input on what you’d request differently from the dealer on this quote to make it more attractive? Would like to purchase it soon.

The only thing you can do is ask for, or look for a dealer who will discount deeper. Not easy nowadays. @Jeff_BeachCitiesAuto does Jeep deals in Socal. Maybe he might be able to get you a better deal? Otherwise it would be a matter of getting into a different vehicle that leases better.


Gotcha. Yeah, I don’t foresee any dealers giving away the vehicles given the current state of the market. It’s unfortunate time to buy a new vehicle right now…
I wasn’t sure if there is anything I could throw into the deal to entice them (dealer).

What are your local brokers offering on these?

Have you looked through the wrangler thread for discussion on things like tread lightly?

Most cars do not lease well. They do not have the programs (RV, MF and incentives) to be good candidates for lease-hacking, regardless of what dealer discount you can negotiate. This is truer now than it has ever been. Which means you cannot start your search with a particular car or cars in mind, and then find a way to make them lease well.

It will be like pushing a boulder uphill while pulling teeth, and you’ll still probably have a bad deal in the end. You need to start your search by filtering only the vehicles that are leasing well right now and offer good value per dollar.

Check out the “Share a Deal” and “Marketplace” sections of LH forums to decide what’s leasing well and pick a vehicle that is already proven to offer good value.

Remember, there are no magic wands that can save a deal from poor programs (RV, MF, and incentives) and/or poor discounts.

There is, more of your money which is what they want.

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I haven’t explored any local brokers yet as I have a good connection already. It’s just that the current state of the market is not lending me a favorable deal.

Why not? Having a good connection locally and having more data points for establishing what a favorable deal actually is in the current market are two different things.

Until you have solid data to compare to, you’re just wasting time looking at numbers in a vacuum.

NTM we’ve hardly ever seen a connection work out to something truly favorable to the consumer


Hell, I’ve been amazed at how many people will fleece their friends and family


The only way to move up the ranks at most places is to be remorseless.


You have an entire industry with super tight supply and a car that just came out a month ago.

Unless you absolutely MUST have this vehicle try getting into something else. The numbers are just terrible.

Yeah I agree but I’m talking about a '21 Laredo X on this thread.

I just changed your thread title. You can edit it further if you’d like.

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