2021 Honda Passport AWD EX-L

Year, Make, Model, and Trim: 2021 Honda Passport AWD EX-L
MSRP: $ 40125
Selling Price: $ 35276
Monthly Payment: $ 384 (after tax)
Drive-Off Amount: $ 384
Months: 36
Annual Mileage: 10,000
MF: 0.00091
Residual: 65%
Incentives: didn’t explain (I have loyalty)
Region: mid west (OH)
Leasehackr Score: 9.8
Leasehackr Calculator Link:

should I push for more?

You should verify incentives with Edmunds to determine what your actual pre-incentive discount is.

Just getting the following deal - please let me know what you think.

Honda Passport: EX-L AWD
Total Suggested Retail Price (with dealer installed options): 40,425
1445 due at signing and 340 per month
Total term: 36 months
Total mileage 12K

I do not know any other details, incentives etc.

Is this a good deal?

You should get the other details.

What is your target deal based on current lease programs and researched comparable deals?

Honda Passport: EX-L AWD
Total Suggested Retail Price (with dealer installed options): 40,425
Trade in balance: 1050
DMV fees: 408.50
Documentation Fee: 429

Amount Due 39639
1445 due at signing and 340 per month
Total term: 36 months
Total mileage 12K

I do not know any other details, incentives etc.

Is this a good deal?

Having current, accurate information for residual value, money factor, and incentives is important in understanding you deal. As such, going directly to a source that has access to that data from the captive banks is your best option. The forums at Edmunds are where we go to get that information, as they have direct access to it from the captive banks. You’ll want to post of the model specific thread for the vehicle you’re interested in and request the most current numbers for your zip code. It is often easiest to find that thread by searching Google for “Edmunds lease” followed by the model of vehicle you’re interested in.

Rebates in that discount? Zip/region?

Edmunds says 473 per month with taxes and fees.

Zip Code 08053
State New Jersey

You didn’t read what I wrote


Sorry, but I am just asking if on a monthly payment, if anyone has paid a lot less than what I am paying

(340 X 35) + 1445 = 13345/36 = 370

Is there a lower payment on a Honda Passport EXL that anyone is aware of?

irrespective of MF/RV/ etc., just asking on a monthly payment as all i have to do is turn it in after 36 months.

There isn’t an irrespective of mf/rv/incentives. The current programs are crucial to determining the appropriate monthly payment for your personal situation.

Also. If you’re adding up cost, you need to include your trade equity. It’s no different than cash.

I’m not asking these questions just because I’m bored and feel like making random internet strangers run around in circles for my enjoyment. This is the information you need to properly evaluate your deal

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I’m absolutely certain that someone has.

You need to figure out if this is a worthy offer this month, where you live, which is the spirit of the other responses you’ve received.

If you’re shopping by payment, you’ve probably already lost the game.

Whatever these “options” are, you don’t want them. These are the kinds of things that are easy to bury in the deal if you ignore all of the most important components of the lease, and are only focused on the monthly.

All thank you for your help. I am sorry if I this is a stupid question though, but just curious
if at the end of the lease term i want to pay the minimum out of pocket and if my monthly payment gets me to the minimum - why would MF and other items matter as much? What I mean is - that is someone is paying 200 and I am paying 300 for the same car monthly, then I know I got a bad deal. But if someone if paying 300 (for a total of 10,800 over the term of a 3 year lease) and if I am paying 200 per month (7,200 over the term of a 3 year lease) for 12k miles - then I know I got a good deal.

Again, I do not intend to overlook the items raised here regarding knowing the details, but just trying to gauge total output and compare it to others who think they got a good deal and see if I am in the ballpark of a good deal or closer to a bad deal.

I am a novice so that is why these may be stupid questions (apologies).

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$695 “Vehicle Enhancement Kit” + $249 for Etch?

It keeps getting worse.

Your questions aren’t stupid at all, but this is exactly why you want to understand exactly where your “monthly payment” is going.

If you want to compare any offer you receive to someone else’s payment, how are you going to find someone who got a great deal on:

  • Exactly the same model
  • In exactly the same trim
  • For exactly the same MSRP
  • In exactly the same month
  • For the identical term
  • With the same number of miles
  • In exactly the same region
  • With exactly the same sales tax rate
  • Who qualified for the identical incentives
  • And bought the same worthless add-ons
  • And paid exactly the same amount upfront?

What if they qualify for different incentives? What if they have different lease terms because they’re in a different region? What if they have different lease terms because it was last month? What if their tax rate is different?

Monthly payment is the output of the lease equation. Without knowing all the inputs are the same, someone else’s monthly payment is completely irrelevant.

Okay thank you for that.
Then let me rephrase my question.

Are you aware of a lower monthly payment on a 2021 Passport EX-L than 370 a month for 36 months at 12k miles?

If so, what is it?

Thanks again.

I’m paying less on my passport ex-l, however, it isn’t a 21. It also is irrelevant.

Also, your deal isn’t for $370 either because of your trade balance.

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There is no trade balance at all.

Good to know you are paying less. Assuming it is an AWD. Am i within a $20 range from you or more? Just curious on how good or bad I should feel :slight_smile:

And thanks for your help on this,

Why does the lease offer show a trade balance then?

You’re not listening. My monthly or someone else’s monthly doesn’t give you a frame of reference as to if your deal is good or not without the rest of the context. The same quality deal can be thousands of dollars of apart for two people because of timing/region/qualifications/etc.

If you want to evaluate if your deal is any good or not, the monthly payment is not the way to do it.

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