2021 BMW M3 - Deal Sheet Help

Get an M2 Competition. Buy it.

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Or even a CS (if you can find).

I actually prefer the “larger” 3 series as well as the updated interior (coming from the M340i already). Call me lame!

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No, that is not nothing. My biggest complaint of the M2 is the interior/dated tech feel.

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Not sure how this works out considering you have 7.75% lease tax when the capitalized tax is based on 7%…luck?

That is what OP had in their initial calculator. 7% tax drops the payment, which means they are marking up the money factor or there is a factor missing, like an accessory package (tints, nitro tires, etc) that is not being shown.

Yeah I’ve been trying to work on this for a bit… clearly something missing or need clarification on tax rate.

OP, what is your registration Zip/City, or tax rate. Also, Isn’t Illinois a tax on monthly state? why, in lieu of paying an upfront tax sum, don’t you just pay the 7% monthly tax on your pretax payment instead of capitalizing the whole tax sum…doesn’t make a lot of sense to me to do that.

Illinois taxes on the monthly along with any cap cost adjustments (rebates, fees, down payment, etc).

Understood and agreed. Which to me, is why this quote makes no sense:

No need to capitalize tax here, other than what would only be 7% tax on the ~1800 taxable drive off that would consist of the doc fee and the $1500 rebate (125 bucks or so)

Any lease tax should be added to the monthly, no?

Naperville, IL / 60540

7.25% is your tax in Naperville. Illinois tax can be a little weird, so this is close enough where $5/mo delta from the calculator would not bother me.

I was actually wrong on the 7.75%.

It is 7%. So calculator should be correct.

(6.25% Illinois + 0.75% RTA)

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