2021 BMW 540i Lease Transfer TX MSRP $69k, $684/mo taxes included (M-Sport / HK / Premium / etc), $500 DAS, $4900 MSDs

Year, Make, Model, and Trim: 2021 BMW 540i (M Sport, Parking Assistance, Premium with HK sound, Shadowline, M-Sport brakes)
Location: DFW, TX

Alternatively, if anyone wants to buy this on or before 12/31, I can sell it through my local BMW dealer for $50,988. I will pay their $750 in-and-out fee which includes inspection, etc.

MSRP: $69,285
Monthly payment: $684.38 (Texas, so all taxes were paid up front on the full selling price of the car and are included in the payment)
Effective monthly payment (if incentive is provided):

Current mileage: 14,700 (rounding up)
Maturity mileage: 30,016
Effective miles per month: 950+
Maturity date: May 29, 2024

MSD due (if any): $4,900 (refundable at lease end)
Cash due (if any): $500
Incentive for new lessee (if any): n/a

Financial institution: BMWFS
Transfer fee: $500 (I think?) to be paid by purchaser
Out-of-state transfer allowed (yes/no): Yes

Vehicle condition (accidents, tire wear, etc.), options, and other details:

  • Purchased vehicle right before all the shortages, so there are no deletes. Has wireless charging, wifi Hotspot, HK Sound, Touchscreen, Lumbar support all around, etc.
  • Next Payment due is Jan 28.
  • Car is in good shape but there are some scratches/door dings/blemishes on the exterior. I took many pictures and zoomed in on some of them.
  • MSDs will be reimbursed by BMWFS at lease end.
  • Residual Value at lease end is $40,878




I’d first focus on cleaning out your car inside and out and taking better photos, it will make your ad a lot better - good luck, it’s a nice car

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crazy good deal, should go very fast!


I agree…for a Texan this would be particularly wonderful. Other states will of course have tax added on top of the “base” payment, but that still may be a good deal.

Nice car @Phasers

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I’m happy to take pictures without the car seats and iphone chargers if anyone is interested. The car was freshly washed and vacuumed in the photos (aside from a 20 min drive home).

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Thank you!

This is misleading. All your taxes were paid upfront. The next lessee will have to deal with taxes again based on their state.

Although the pics are not best way to advertise the car, the payment is great and this should go fast.

Unless a Texas lessee. Then the deal stays the same. :slightly_smiling_face:

By popular request, interior pictures without carseats.


I hope you are well today.
Will BMW transfer a lease to a Montana resident who wants to use his Montana sole proprietorship LLC as the lease holder?
I have tier 1 credit that acts as the business credit.

Interested. Pmed you.

Mods: Vehicle is pending.

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PM a mod to reopen if needed.