2021 BMW 330i - dealership offer lease price

Title: Be as specific as possible in the title if you are posting a deal – include car model, monthly payment, and money down.
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Year, Make, Model, and Trim: 2021, BMW, 330i, Sedan
MSRP: $ 46,795
Selling Price:
Monthly Payment: $424 included 9.5% sales tax
Drive-Off Amount: $1688
Months: 36
Annual Mileage: 10000
MF: 0.0126
Residual: 58%
Incentives: Loyalty- 500, Lease return - $2000, BMW event-$1000, Penfed -$500
Region: Southern California, Los Angeles

Received the offer above, need help to review before executing. Is the MF and Residual looks correct? Another dealership quote me 0.0106

Go to Edmunds to determine buy rate MF and any local incentives.

MF is marked up… buy rate is .00086

What’s the pre incentive sales price? (Before applying rebates). You should be around 11-12%.


Lots of offers posted in marketplace for 3series by brokers for SoCal. Check them out it will give you an idea what pre incentives discount to target.

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Is 11-12% only for 330i? I’m looking at an M340i (RWD) in the same Los Angeles area and wondering what constitutes a good discount off MSRP before incentives applied.

Looks like less than 10% on M340i. Check marketplace.

You’re in CA and I’m in the northeast. Completely different markets but here, I would shoot for 12% off a new 330 with base MF.

340’s are discounted alittle less but I would aim for 11% off with base MF.

Check marketplace and see what brokers in CA are offering. It’ll give you a good idea of the local market.

I paid 7MSD, and reduced MF from 0.00086 to 0.00058. Dealership indicated monthly payment reduce from $417 to $409, which is only $8?

Based on leasehackr calculation, it should reduce to $397.

Need help to validate if the math from the dealership is correct?

I calculate about $19 reduction per month with your numbers which is pretty darn close to the calculator number. I don’t see any funny numbers but somehow they are calculating a high monthly number with 7 MSDs. By the way, it looks like they are marking up acquisition fee from $925 to $1,010. Not a huge deal but still a mark-up.

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I concur with $19ish.

Monthly rent charge is reduced by (.00086-.00058)*(38800+27141)=18.46

Their monthlies are only showing a .0001 reduction

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It’s not worth the aggravation to fight them over the world’s lowest-ROI MSD program.

If you like the deal, take it without MSD.


In addition to $925 acquisition fee, another $85 if documentation was added. Does it sound right?

Agree, will take your advices, accept the deal without MSD.

That’s right. It’s capped by CA law.

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