Title: Be as specific as possible in the title if you are posting a deal – include car model, monthly payment, and money down.
Tags: make (e.g. toyota, bmw)(required) and region (e.g. ny, ca, ca-socal, usa-nationwide)
Post: Include as much information about your deal as possible to make it a helpful reference for others, and even a celebratory picture.
Year, Make, Model, and Trim: 2021, BMW, 330i, Sedan
MSRP: $ 46,795
Selling Price:
Monthly Payment: $424 included 9.5% sales tax
Drive-Off Amount: $1688
Months: 36
Annual Mileage: 10000
MF: 0.0126
Residual: 58%
Incentives: Loyalty- 500, Lease return - $2000, BMW event-$1000, Penfed -$500
Region: Southern California, Los Angeles
Received the offer above, need help to review before executing. Is the MF and Residual looks correct? Another dealership quote me 0.0106
Is 11-12% only for 330i? I’m looking at an M340i (RWD) in the same Los Angeles area and wondering what constitutes a good discount off MSRP before incentives applied.
I calculate about $19 reduction per month with your numbers which is pretty darn close to the calculator number. I don’t see any funny numbers but somehow they are calculating a high monthly number with 7 MSDs. By the way, it looks like they are marking up acquisition fee from $925 to $1,010. Not a huge deal but still a mark-up.