2021 BMW 330i $425/m

Year, Make, Model, and Trim: 2021 BMW 330i
MSRP: $45400
Selling Price: $40,360
Monthly Payment: $425.80 (inc tax)
Drive-Off Amount: $2313.22
Annual Mileage:10k
Leasehackr Score:8.8
Leasehackr Calculator Link:

Thank you to @thejr91 for inspiring me just to focus on emailing the deal I wanted. Made the process easier at a time when I have a lot of other stress going on so wasn’t pushing/expecting the unicorn. I see brokers here offering 11%, so I’m ok with it straight from a dealer.

Bay Area, CA.


Congratulations. Please post pictures of this awesome car.

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Enjoy the car :red_car:

Don’t forefeet about https://www.bmwcca.org/ post sale rebate

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Oh, wish I’d remembered that! Think our membership may have lapsed and might need to have it active at time of purchase? Will check for sure!

Solid. Let’s see the car!

haha, will do this weekend. Shows my priorities, we needed a car and I’m more into the numbers!

need to be a member at the time of the purchase

Turns out our membership hadn’t lapsed! Thanks for the tip @Swedish, you got us $500!


Nice work!
What dealership in the Bay?

Weatherford. Not always had this kind of experience with them but it worked out better this time.

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Hats off to you for scoring an excellent deal. And I’m just glowing since you just gave me my first mention like this on LH. Made my weekend, thank you. [insert glowing face emoji]

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Congrats! Is this brand new or a demo/loaner?

Brand new.

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