2020 Subaru Outback Limited 36/12 - $0 DAS - $290 a month

PM’d for dealer info.

This deal seems baffling to me…OP gets a dealer to pay over residual for a car with damage? So they can sell him a new Subaru at an extremely large discount?

I’d love to see a copy of the paperwork on this, as frankly it seems unbelievable.



Where you at @manku ???

Los Angeles.

Which should be a good market.

But apparently isn’t :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The land of cheese and beer never fails… except for the winter.

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What is the MF/RV for a Subaru outback Onyx Edition XT 2020 model 3 years/12K miles at zipcode 77007

Think you are looking for the Edmunds forum… I do not have those

Not even accounting for the equity you had, the sales price discount is wild. I haven’t been able to find a dealer who will barely agree to 3 or 4%