2020 RR Sport HSE Quote

All scheduled maintenance. Excludes wear and tear items like tires, and brakes.

You only need a 2 year PPM if your lease term is 33 or 36 months.

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Having worked in as a lifeguard and cabana host for Disney at the Grand Californian before the automotive industry, drunk rich people acting entitled BY FAR

Listed below are some examples of the worst customer stereotypes that extist.

  • “The Egotistical Jack” People around my age (20s) fresh out of college with a decent paying job that try and flex their other cars and flaunt their “wealth” while begging me to get a loaded Velar to $550 / month. Then seeing that I actually make more than them when we do a credit app. Whenever I ask income and type it in I always hit them with a “Oh. It’s supposed to be pre-tax.” even though they gave me the pre-tax number because I specified it when I said it. Love that.

  • “The Geezer” The old person that flexes and tries to tell you about every car from every brand that they have ever owned and specifies 100000000000x during the test drive that they pay cash because financing is for broke millennials and leases mean you’re driving a rental car.

  • “The Older White Man” The old hardass that acts like he knows how dealers work (even though he has no idea) and uses the phrase “I don’t wanna play games” even though they play the most games. Also about a 50% chance he refuses to come inside or give you any indication of what his expectations are. Probably suspects that dealers have 45% margins in their cars and the .02% discrepancy between the rate he got and advertised rates is you trying to pull of the scam of the century.

  • “The Bro” The kind of client that promises endless referrals (usually the “carguy”). Stop promising referrals, we know you are full of it and it’s annoying. Also about a 40% chance this customer calls you “bro” constantly. Just promise us 10s on a survey and a positive yelp and we’re cool.

  • “The Shopper” The phone up or internet lead that doesn’t actually want to work with you to make a deal, they are just trying to get the best number in writing to shop it. I understand it’s part of the business but if I take 20-30 minutes of my day to get you your initial quote at least give me the shot to beat the best offer you get.

  • “The Grinder” The special kind of customer that will make you go through 80 different pencils with the desk and walk over $2. Chances are even if you get him to his number he is going to “sleep on it” or “talk it over to the wife”. Pro-Tip, if a salesperson asks you what it takes to earn your business don’t say a number unless you are ready to sign right there and then. If you like the salesperson tell the manager on the turn they were great but you want to come back after thinking the purchase over.

  • “The Weekend Jack” Might just be me because I work in a tourist-y destination but on the weekend dodging jacks is like dodging a minefield. 80% chance they open by asking to test drive 7 different models and stress about how serious they are, only for them to walk before getting a pencil.

  • “The Motivational Jack” May just be because I’m in high-line, but we get tooooons of college kids that come in and want to test drive a full size for the sake of driving a full-size. To be clear this is totally fine, all for motivation and success but don’t walk in on a Saturday at 2:00PM.

  • “The BBQ Jack” A rare kind of jack, seasonal too (only in the Summer) where a father that owned a car from your brand 20 years ago pops on by because his wife sent them out of the house before going to a party. 90% Chance he brought his sons. 60% chance he opens with "We have a party to go to in an hour and a half but I’d love to test drive the insert 5 models that are completely different

  • “The Mid-Lease Jack” Probably the most common form of Jack, someone that has 8-20 months left on their lease and wants to test drive every model you offer. Most likely has a business card in his wallet from the dealer across the street. 80% chance he uses the phrase “I’ll be back tomorrow”

  • “The Test Driver” The type of client that doesn’t know automotive reviews exist and want to drive every model at every brand before they make up their mind. Nothing against this, but at least do some preliminary research before you come in and ask to drive every car under the sun. Also circles back to the whole don’t come in on a Saturday at 2:00PM thing.


A large part of my job at Disney included cleaning up vomit and excrement from pools and I still found that much more enjoyable than being a car salesman. We all hate our jobs but the money is too good to leave. No part of the above statement is exaggerated, those stereotypes are real.

Edit: Also not salty, just an observational post about what car salespeople go through. Hopefully you found some humor in it :slightly_smiling_face:


Epic thread

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This is pretty comprehensive.

Are the sum of people that fit into your descriptions anywhere near the majority? Also, where do LH people come in?

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I love it, everything I wanted from a response.

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That’s sadly the majority. I don’t really get hackrs as walk ins. There have been a few that I have had odd or negative experiences with but for the most part 98% of the people I’ve met from the forum have been awesome.


Incase it helps someone, my 2017 RR sport maintenance was $733. (I wish I’d known upfront) I drove under 17k miles in 33 months.

I love my ivory seats but the driver’s seat does have some blue staining (from jeans?) that I hope they don’t charge me for when I turn it in soon.

Enjoyed my lease, despite significantly overpaying. Now hoping to switch to a full-size HSE for less than I’m paying now, thanks to the help on leasehackr :woman_facepalming:

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We took delivery of our ivory interior RRS last weekend…still far too early to tell what jeans will do to them. We have light seats in the Corvette and got some blue dye transfer over time. Meguiars leather cleaner and a microfiber took care of the bluing in a couple minutes. Not sure if it will work for you, worth the $5 if you ask me.

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:+1::+1::+1: That is some real talk.


Dang… some of these hit close to home. :open_mouth: Especially as someone on LH - I know the deals to be had through LH, but still want to test drive the cars to make sure I know what I’m getting. I’m going in at 2pm on a Tuesday though, so hopefully not replacing a buying customer.

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@ethanrs Can you expand on only needing a two year PPM for a 36 month lease?

Last service is due at the 36 month mark and you aren’t billed for not doing it (at least with Jaguar Land Rover).

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Thanks @ethanrs . Perhaps a silly question but, does that apply for loaner leases as well?

Not sure, I’ve never dealt with loaners (most JLR dealerships in SoCal have a franchise loaner agreement with enterprise).

Hi, I am looking as at RR SPORT HSE 2020 PHEV.
1137 payment with tax 0 down, just first payment. a good price for 39 months? reg, doc fees, all rolled into the payment 83140.00 is the price of the car

You need some more information than that. Is that something you were given by a dealer?

Hi, correct, that is from the dealer via email. Which other info do you need please?

Sales price, rv, mf, fee total, your local tax rate, where you’re located, etc