2020 Mercedes Benz C300 4matic @ $315/mth 3K DAS & 4K MSD, 36/10K with Loyalty - NY/NJ/CT/PA

Broker fees : $499

I have a loaner 2020 Mercedes C300 brought over for the community. Below deal is without any loyalty or Fleet discount. If you have loyalty or fleet it can be added on top of the numbers posted and making the deal sweeter, the calc below is with NJ tax, for other neighboring states adjust the tax rate in calculator accordingly.

If you drive less and want a 7500 lease, it is possible with a Mercedes and 24 month term is not that bad either.

Year, Make, Model, and Trim: 2020 Mercedes C300 4Matic
MSRP: $ 46,000
Monthly Payment: $315 with loyalty or $328/mth with Fleet discount
Drive-Off Amount: $ 3000
Months: 36
Annual Mileage: 10,000
MF: 0.00075
Residual: 57%
Available Incentives: Loyalty, Fleet, PenFed etc. (Separate Fleet and loyalty calc listed below)
Region: NY/NJ metro area.
Leasehackr Score: 10.3
Leasehackr Calculator Link:

Calc with Mercedes Loyalty.

Calc with Fleet discount applied. Lot of big corporations and associations get you Fleet discount for Mercedes.