2020 Mazda CX-5 Touring AWD?

I reached out to him, two weeks ago and still waiting for his reply. Just saw your post and contacted him if he can really get me the car, I need it ASAP. I would not mind to get CX-5 as it looks great deal too. Thanks.

will do thank you!

Brokers get really busy during the last 10 days of the month and a few days into the new month as they close down deals and ramp up for the new month. I would be surprised if you all don’t connect soon. nyclife might be the key to a good deal in this tight inventory market.

I wouldn’t be surprised at all.

Say it ain’t so. His deals look great.

You think someone who hasn’t replied in two business days let alone two weeks is suddenly going to drop everything and deliver a car to you ASAP?

Wake up and smell the coffee.

Find a deal DIY or find another broker.

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3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Good lease deal? Mazda Cx-5

@jsingh5292 Check out @AutoNinjas. They have July Mazda deals posted.


Thank you! will do!

A post was merged into an existing topic: Please keep all your “wanted” ads here - Part 2