2019 Mercedes GLS With 11k miles Lease

Got an awesome deal (I think) on a Mercedes GLS Loaner

Year, Make, Model, and Trim: 2019 Mercedes GLS
MSRP: $84000
Sale Price: $63000
Drive-Off Amount: $1,200 (including first month’s payment)
Current Demo Mileage: 11K
Months: 36
Annual Mileage: 12k
Payment: $649 + $50 Sales Tax = $699 in total

Region: Midwest (Memphis Dealership)

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May want to fix this. Also - how did you lease a loaner with 11k miles? MB limit is 10K

saw the same thing.
Highest monthly I have seen in LH . Lol

I think it was a corporate owned Mercedes that had never been titled so I guess it’s not a loaner so I will update that but they were able to lease it to me as a brand new car.

I certainly don’t like 11k miles on my brand new car… More like certified used… But if you get a great deal then I guess.

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Beautiful car

It is an awesome deal

Can you provide some info on what the incentives breakdowns were like?

Only concern with the high miles is wear n tear items and verify warranty will be in place through duration of the lease.

Good point, I did double check and warranty is in place throughout the course of my lease so I’m good to go!