2019 Mercedes E450 4matic Coupe $776/month

Year, Make, Model, and Trim: 2019 MB E450 4matic coupe
Location: NJ

MSRP: $73k
Monthly payment (pre-tax): $776 taxes prepaid
Effective monthly payment (if incentive is provided): $776

Current mileage: 2900
Maturity mileage: 22509
Effective miles per month:
Maturity date: 2/2022

MSD due (if any):0
Cash due (if any): 0
Incentive for new lessee (if any):

Financial institution: MBFS
Transfer fee:$595
Out-of-state transfer allowed (yes/no): yes

Vehicle condition (accidents, tire wear, etc.), options, and other details: like new


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Of course,slap my head! Where did this listing originally come from?

It’s a NJ vehicle. Not sure what you mean

I mean the actual listing by the lessor, I went to the various sites that feature take over for car leases and was not able to locate this particular vehicle. Unless, are you are acting as a broker for this lease?

It’s my vehicle. I dont have it on swapalease or any sites yet. I will in March if i don’t get rid of it prior.

Great, thanks. What options are on the car?

I sent it to your inbox yesterday

Sorry to be a pain, but did not get it, for whatever reason. Please send it to vitaliano7@gmail.com

Sent it to your email

Everyone who wanted this vehicle were not approved… MBFS still not allowing transfers