2019 Mazda CX9 Touring Awd, $315/month + tax + inceptions, Including loyalty [NY/NJ]

Year, Make, Model, and Trim: 2019 Mazda CX9 Touring
MSRP: $ 38,975
Monthly Payment: $ 315 + tax
Drive-Off Amount: $ 1st month, dmv, and bank
Months: 36
Annual Mileage: 10k
MF: .0006
Residual: 59%
Available Incentives: 750 loyalty included
Region: NY/NJ

Saved Numbers on Leasehackr Calculator: leasehackr.com/calculator?make=Mazda&msrp=38975&sales_price=34239&months=36&mf=.0006&dp=0&doc_fee=144&acq_fee=595&taxed_inc=750&untaxed_inc=0&rebate=0&resP=60&reg_fee=450&sales_tax=0&memo=&acqFee_check=true&totalLeaseTax_radio=true&miles=10000&msd=0

Year, Make, Model, and Trim: 2019 Mazda CX9 Touring Premium
MSRP: $ 41,465
Monthly Payment: $ 335 + tax
Drive-Off Amount: $ 1st month, dmv, and bank
Months: 36
Annual Mileage: 10k
MF: .0006
Residual: 59%
Available Incentives: 750 loyalty included
Region: NY/NJ
LINK: leasehackr.com/calculator?make=Mazda&msrp=41465&sales_price=36386&months=36&mf=.0006&dp=0&doc_fee=144&acq_fee=595&taxed_inc=750&untaxed_inc=0&rebate=0&resP=60&reg_fee=450&sales_tax=0&memo=&acqFee_check=true&totalLeaseTax_radio=true&miles=10000&msd=0

Year, Make, Model, and Trim: 2019 Mazda CX9 Grand Touring
MSRP: $ 43,635
Monthly Payment: $ 392 + tax
Drive-Off Amount: $ 1st month, dmv, and bank
Months: 36
Annual Mileage: 10k
MF: .0006
Residual: 59%
Available Incentives: 750 loyalty included
Region: NY/NJ
LINK leasehackr.com/calculator?make=Mazda&msrp=43635&sales_price=39650&months=36&mf=.0006&dp=0&doc_fee=144&acq_fee=595&taxed_inc=750&untaxed_inc=0&rebate=0&resP=60&reg_fee=450&sales_tax=0&memo=&acqFee_check=true&totalLeaseTax_radio=true&miles=10000&msd=0

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What is the drive off on this?

Clicking on the handy calculator link, it shows drive-off as $1,504.

would it make any difference for some body from out of state (MD)

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Yes, just ny/nj thank you

What would Grand Touring numbers look like? TIA!

What would the numbers look like with Touring Premium Package as well? MSRP $40865.

Going to add more to the post.

Posted three more trims/models

Awesome, thanks. Out of curiosity, what else is included in your Touring Premium numbers? You have a MSRP of $41465 and when I configure on Mazda’s website I get an MSRP of $40865.

Where are you located and is it pickup only? Do those numbers also include any broker fees? If I am looking for a specific color, how long is the wait? Also, how much would it add if I increased the mileage?


It has all weather mats and some other accessories. None of my prices include broker fee of $400

Pickup in NYC area… only for NY/NJ residents

I live in Upstate NY so I am a resident of NY State. Do you have a list of existing inventory to see what might be readily available? I am leaning towards Machine Gray. Also, what are the requirements for qualifying for the Loyalty? I leased a Mazda 6 a few years ago. Are the 10k and 12k mile prices the same? When I change it in the calculator the price doesn’t change. it only changes if I switch it to 15k.

Please message me so we can stop clouding this up. Thank You!

Does Mazda do 7500mi?

Unfortunately they don’t

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Great deal! Do you have CX5 available?
thank you

Yes I have it posted here: 2019 Mazda CX5 Sport Awd, $231/month + tax + inceptions, including loyalty [NJ/NY]

Thank you very much! Is there a post for the Touring? Thank you!

The touring CX-9 is exactly what I’m looking for… but based in MA. My parents are based in NY - any chance we can use their address and get this deal?

I’m interested in this deal please message me all the info. What’s the total down, I live in Nj