2019 Jeep Compass Latitude $99 p/mo for 42 mo.--- Is this a good deal?

Hey everyone,

I’m new to the forum. Still trying to figure out how lease deals work.

I stumbled upon this deal, and it sounds good-- I want to hop on it. However, I need help understanding if this is a good deal and how the numbers break down. The fine print says $5000 down with $4000 cash rebate. Does that mean I’ll only need to put down $1000??


Honestly dealer ads are a waste of time 99% of the time. Good luck getting them to honor this and qualifying for all the rebates they’ve included to come up with the lease price.

Only 1 at this price, here it is, bet it’s gone as soon as you go to dealer;

The $4000 rebate line means that this deal if valid only if you qualify for it, but likely you won’t. If you happen to qualify for all the rebates, you still need to put down $5000 at signing plus tax/title/fees.

Anyway, contact the dealer and let us know. You need to ask them to break this down for you.


So the ad-car is sold,

I’ll bet (if you play the game right) that you could still negotiate a $2000-2800 discount (rather than the ad $4349 discount). With the $4750 rebates I would then ballpark the payment at $149 to $166 (depending on your negotiating skill).

Not a bad deal lease payment to have

Still need to put down $5000 at signing plus tax/title/fee, and then in theory if I qualify for the $4000 rebate, I would receive it back?

The ad-car is sold? How do you know?

I don’t know for certain, but my spidey-sense developed after many a dealership encounter tells me those unicorns are long gone.

Come on down and we’ll let Guido (“The Closer”) help you !


No. Again, you need to ask the dealer for the details. Report back.

Sir, yes, sir!

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The day isn’t complete without the dealer advertised special now the the pattern is full.:upside_down_face:


What does that mean?

It means there is a 99.9% chance u won’t get this advertised special.

Coffee’s for closers.

I love these dealer ads: Makes it all the more fun to go in beat them down, then make them your BFFL and open the floodgates. :laughing:

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Those $99/mo dealer teaser ads are disingenuous at best, misleading and fraudulent in the least. You usually have to be a current brand owner, military veteran who just graduated college with a great credit score, etc plus put $2k down which is noted in fine print, and hope that unit hasn’t been sold.
In the pre leasehackr.com era I actually closed on a newspaper dealer ad unit as advertised. It was for a particular loaner, so not necessarily the same as OP situation.

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The graphics, fonts and loud colors give this away.

I don’t have to read the terms, I can tell from the way the ad looks that the offer is garbage.

EDIT: Just saw that @chrishs2000 posted the link earlier.

Ad is based on a vehicle with a $28,xxx MSRP. The least expensive Compass Latitude on the dealer’s website is $27,xxx MSRP.

They actually have the vehicle from the ad still listed on their website:


Would be very difficult to qualify for all of the incentives though since they are including $1,500 for trade assistance, $500 for USAA, $750 for “non-prime” bonus cash, etc.

Why would you think that means $1000 down? Wouldn’t they just say $1000 down? Oh and by the way, when they say $5000 down it probably means :heavy_plus_sign::heavy_plus_sign::heavy_plus_sign:

It says $5000 due at signing with $4000 rebate available in the fine print

So what did the dealer say when you contacted them for a quote?

It’s been the most bizarre experience so far. I’ve been trying to handle this all remotely since I live over an hour away… They ran my credit at 2pm yesterday, kept me waiting until about 7pm last night, was contacted about an hour ago via text by the “sales floor manager”, and still have yet to receive a quote.

You let them run your credit just to get pricing?!? :flushed: