2019 Infiniti QX60 Pure AWD - $47045 MSRP $315/mth with VPP 39/10K. Bank fee, 1st mth,Tax and DMV DAS. No Dealer Doc or Broker Fees. $1400 MSD. VPP required. - NJ/CT

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This is far from the truth for infiniti deals. The way to compare any infiniti deal is amount under invoice, as Infiniti bakes rebates into the sales price. This allows you to compare deals between different msrps (with different incentives), without hiding from customers that they got a worse/better deal.

For example, the deal posted in this thread is about 2,100 under invoice. Whereas, this one is about 2,500 under invoice and this one is about 3,000 under invoice . This ‘amount under’ allows you to look at deals between different trims uniformly.

Just FYI, to make you seem more knowledgeable.