How does your deal compare to the ones in the market place? Infiniti offers different discounts in various markets so your discount may not be as deep as the market place but still a good measure. Show is where you think the downfalls are in your deal and people will try to help.
I would suggest you have multiple dealerships compete offers. Also, realistic offer is subjective. To them a realistic offer could mean you pay full MSRP
Also, is the VIN you’re looking at aged? Do you qualify for incentives like loyalty, VPP, etc? What did you try to negotiate while you were there?
Well for starters, that “$5,000” discount isn’t a true $5,000 discount. They’re marking up the fees to make up most of that “discount”. So essentially the adjusted cap cost is really just under a $2,500 discount from MSRP. The $999 doc fee is ridiculous. The untaxed fee, and other fees are marked up.
I’m negotiating for a vehicle that has been on the lot for 140+ days. I’m negotiating via email and on the phone. My last 3 leases I haven’t stepped foot in a dealer until an agreement was reached through email or a phone call. I’m not looking to waste my time being at a dealer all day with them trying to give me the run around.
From what I’ve seen in other QX50 deals, I think it’ll be reasonable to achieve at least a $6,000 discount. This particular dealer, the salesman, told me he couldn’t send over that breakdown sheet I attached in the original post because that’s against their policy. I LOL’d at that. Based on that solely, I don’t think this dealer wants to play ball and I should find another.