2019 Hyundai Ioniq Plug-In Hybrid Base. As/of 01/08/2020

What was bolt deal?

Okay, so if I get my mom to co-sign, as a nurse, she should get first responder, and I have more loans than anyone on earth. Can these be flipped, or do you have to keep it for a certain amount of time? Let’s see what I come up with and maybe I’ll just give it to my parents I’d she’s co-signing anyway. It’ll be good for her to commute to work and nothing else, hah.

In CA you better keep it for at least 30 mo otherwise you will pay back part of the CVRP rebate.
I remember reading Hyundai didn’t allow lease transfers…not sure if this is still the case.

Edit: from swaplease.com
“This lease company does not allow lease transfers”
Hyundai Motor Finance Company lease transfer information

I’m 99% sure I’m 3,000 miles away.

In NY state if you manage to get state rebate you have to keep it full term.

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Correct, but I’ve read on a few forums that you have to be audited by DMV and if you are , only then you have to pay it back. if they don’t audit you, its fine.

However, the rebate counts as taxable income, so you have to pay tax on the rebate.

I’ve no idea if you pay tax on the rebate, and then they audit you and you pay back the pro-rated amount back, do you get the pro-rated tax back… :S

Yes, you can file to get the tax on income back …

Stop asking this question! You’ve asked 4 times. Do some work!


In NY after getting state rebate if you sell the car or get out of lease before 36 months, they will pro-rate the incentives to the months you kept the car and you have to pay the excess amount back.

One of my friend called as he wanted to get out of his Prius prime before 36 months into one of my i3 deals but decided to not take it due to his commute of 130 miles a day.
He was told to reach out to them when the car is sold or traded but I assume they will have a way to get records from DMV if you sell the car right away after taking the POS rebate.

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First dealer that responded in NYS is at the numbers below.

10k a year 116 a month
12 a year 125 a month


They also have a very broad military program which includes veterans. $500 Additional credit toward
a new Hyundai vehicle

For Active Duty, Reservist/National Guard, Veteran,
and Retired U.S. Military Personnel

Customer (or spouse) must be Active Duty, Reservists/National Guard, Veteran, or on Retired status in the U.S. Military at the commencement of the program period.
Active, Veteran, or Retired U.S. Military for this program are defined as customers serving or having served in the United States Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, Navy, National Guard, or Reserves.
Contact your nearest dealer for details on eligibility.
The offer is good from June 4, 2019 through January 2, 2020.

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Can anyone help me understand if I can get this deal as a Pennsylvania resident? Can anyone recommend a South Jersey dealer?

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Alright, close on my Ioniq. 1K down and 110 monthly. I never walk away knowing for sure if it was a good deal, but sounded good to me. Thoughts?

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I think everyone is dropping hooks in the water today to see which dealers will bite.

The dealers received these program bulletins over the weekend.

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Some of these dealers are idiots, as to be expected. Dealer #1 near me has 6 of them in stock (maybe people should still try to fish with this one because of the inventory?). Then again, it could be because they don’t understand how to answer a question:

Me: I’m interested in stk. # blah blah, and here are my terms.

Dealer: Good news!! The 2019 Hyundai IONIQ EV is available.
When would be the best time to schedule a test drive today and go over your options?
We will work with you.
Thank you and we look forward to meeting you.

Me: As I mentioned, I am looking for a lease quote based on the following information below, including taxes and fees for zip code 10xxx.
The terms we are looking at are as follows: (and then I state the terms).

Dealer: Ok great. Please come in and we can beat it or match the deal.
All final numbers will come from the General Sales Manager.
When would be a good time to come in ?

Did I ask you to beat something or just provide me with a quote? Hello, automated robot.

Is this before $500 you mentioned earlier?
Which state are you in?
Does your state have any rebates?

Doesnt sound far off from the jabroni above asking the same question 4 times


Find direct # and name for the GM or Sales Manager:)

This is before the 500$ bonus drive, that you apply yourself. It has the NYS drive clean of 2000$. Total rebates came to 15k

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Huh, I though it would be $14,500 from Hyundai and $2,000 from NY state. Where was I wrong?

Still it’s a cheap car!!!