2019 Buick Encore Preferred - is this a good deal?

I own a 5 year old SUV AWD and am selling this and going to lease from now on, since I drive less than 10,000 miles/year and am not a car maintenance person at all.
I looked up and studied so much. Then I dealt with so many dealers.
I live in NY (upstate) and contacted almost every Buick dealers from NY, NJ, CT, NH, PA, and even brokers, but the best deal I got was my local dealer by sending in and matching to TrueCar:

$0 down (I asked for $0 drive off also but he hasn’t confirmed that yet)
2019 Buick Encore
Preferred AWD
MSRP: $27,930
Est. Savings off MSRP: $4,706
TrueCar Estimate: $23,324
MF: 0.00120
RV: 54%
Tax: 8%
Rebate: $2,400 (includes educator’s discount)
Dealer doc: $87 (there should be other DMV fee, which I am thinking this might be drive off)

My calculation comes out to $298/mo, but he’s telling me $320/mo (which makes 1.12% of MSRP).
Other dealers were from $340 to $460.
Anyway, I know the best deal is when monthly payment is 1% of MSRP and I’ve been seeing less than $200/mo lease deals but all are FWD or in the color I don’t want.
Am I not dealing correctly? Or is NY hard to get cheaper lease price?
Or is there any good subcompact size SUV AWD deals that I’m missing out?
I have Nissan and Jeep’s deals too, but both deals I got also are 1.06% and 1.01% of their MSRPs.

Thank you.

460 for an Encore…LOL.

1% doesn’t mean you got the “best deal.” On some cars, you can (and should) do better than 1%. Some, you’ll be lucky to get to 1%. Depends on the programs being run at the time.

Is there a reason you’re looking at a 19 instead of an 18?

I couldn’t believe it when I heard $460!

Yeah I mean 1% or better, but it really looks like the best I can get here is 1.1%… ugh.
I asked for 2018 but this guy gave me 2019. He gave me 2018’s last week too, but it’s also $320.
He said it’s because of it’s residual.

I can do $320, I really like the design of this car.
But I keep seeing less than $150/mo leases (of course with down payment it becomes $300 ish) and started to wonder if I suck at dealing.

Honestly, I wouldn’t touch an Encore at over $250 a month. Once you go over that threshold, so many options open up. I would hire a broker to do the legwork for you. I actually really like those little Encores, if I could nab one as an extra beater car in the $130-150 range, I’m going to do it.

I know you’re right… It’s just the design and size I really like.
I honestly don’t care about engine power, drive comfort or whatsoever - design is most important for me.
I contacted brokers and they actually gave higher than $320.
I wonder if NY’s fault…haha.

Ask for a lease breakdown including all fees to see where the discrepancy lies. 54% is residual for 15k…do you need 15k? Get a breakdown of the rebates. 2400 doesn’t make sense.

500 GMFinancial CCR
250 Incremental CCR
750 Select Market CCR
1500 Loyalty or Conquest

These are strong purchase candidates this month. I’m seeing 9k on the hood in Western PA. Looks like the same for upstate.

The deals to be had right now are on the 2018 Encores. For a 2019 the rebates aren’t as good.

Also are you looking at a 36 month lease ? When the rebates are really high then 24 month leases will cost quite a bit less.

I see SoCal (2wd) 2018 Encores advertised for ~$119/month with around $1500 in drive-offs. That’s a 24 month lease with 10k/year mileage. To get that price you need an existing lease to qualify. The 2019’s cost more per month.

Maybe I should go to Western PA!!
I need 10k and 54% is what they gave me.

I don’t have conquest so that doesn’t apply.
Then I get educator’s discount - about $1,200, so rebate should be about $2,700?
He has not provided me specific breakdowns yet. I’ll update if I get it.

I think my dealer was telling me 2018s are good for buying, but 2019s have better rebates for lease.

I am looking for 36months.
I think CA with FWD are generally MUCH cheaper.
NY and AWD gets higher in price and maybe rebates for NY is worse.
And I don’t have existing lease - I think that’s the large part.

Rebates are based on the zip you register the car to, so that’s not gonna help.

57% would be 10k. I’m not familiar with the educator discount. My understanding was it was Supplier pricing. They may be giving an extra incentive this month. Who told you 1200?

You have a 5 year old SUV. What brand is it? That should qualify you for conquest. (Edit: Nevermind…it does have to be a lease this month).

If I remember correctly, the existing lease saves you $1500 which saves ~$60/month for a 24 month lease or $40/month for a 36 month lease.

That’s true. ugh.

Ha. I wonder if they were playing with RV, but I also heard that RV is the one that they can NOT play around.
I work at a private college so I get that discount from GMC/Buick. It’s $1,200.

I am selling my car to my friend, so I can’t do conquest anyway :frowning:

Which is huge.
So that kind of makes sense.
If I had conquest, I would have gotten it at $280/mo.
Maybe I should lease something cheaper first, then come to Buick 3 years later.

Conquest isn’t valid on owned cars, but rather only leases. GM products are usually best when you have loyalty or conquest. I’d look at other brands

In upstate, NY, rebates are stronger on an 18:

1650 GM Financial CCR
250 GM Incremental CCR
1250 GM select market CCR
1500 Loyalty/Comp lessee

RV on a 24 mo/10k on a 19 is 66% + 57 on 36 mo/10k
RV on a 24 mo/10k on an 18 is 64% + 55 on 36 mo/10k

MF on 24 mo is .00085 and .00063 on 36 mo on 19
MF on 24 mo is .00159 and .00124 on 36 mo on 18

Despite the higher interest, I’d try to target an 18 with strong discount based on better incentives.

Yeah, and I am not trading in anyway also.

I am glad I asked you guys, because I REALLY wanted this car so was willing to accept stupid deal.
I knew it was stupid, but was gonna go ahead, but now I feel clearer.

I’ll start looking into other brands too.

Thank you so much.

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Wow. Did my dealer really play around with RVs?
But I don’t understand. Everyone else gave me higher monthly payment than $320…

GM doesn’t require you to trade in as an FYI for the future. You can have competitive lease, conquest or loyalty and still keep the car.

Maybe he misunderstood you. He can’t change that #.

Everyone else probably gave you less of a discount or marked up MF. There’s no way of knowing without seeing the numbers they provided you.

Thanks for all this and above numbers!!
I will try negotiating with my dealer more and update here!

Can you afford all the payments at once? At least with Chevy, a one pay lease on 24 months gets about a $1,300 discount from what I’ve seen in past months.

As mentioned before, a big discount & rebates can drive down a 2 year payment faster than a 3 year payment. Reminds me of a line from Blade Runner- “the candle that burns twice as bright lasts half as long.”