2019 BMW XDrive28i


Trying to see how bad im being handled. First lease so input is very much appreciated. Seems a touch high to me but I don’t know any different. Located in Orlando, FL
Lease is 36months/10k per year
MSRP: $45,320
Selling Price: $40,538.56
Monthly Payment: $409 (after tax) $381.72 base
Acquisition Fee: $925.00
Tag: $266.50
Cap Reuction: $693.70
Rebates: $3250.00
MF: 0.00128
Residual 59%
Down Payment: $2500.00
Drive-Off: $5750.00

Is the selling price before or after incentives?

It seems to be before incentives. Adjusted cap cost is $37519.86

Ok based on numbers provided above here is a link to the calculator. Something is off obviously, leasehackr.com/calculator?make=BMW&miles=10000&msd=0&msrp=45320&sales_price=40359&months=36&mf=.00128&dp=2500&dealer_fee=85&acq_fee=925&taxed_inc=3250&untaxed_inc=0&rebate=0&resP=59&reg_fee=263&sales_tax=9&demo_mileage=0&memo=&acqFee_check=true&monthlyTax_radio=true

I agree, but I don’t know where to proceed with this. It is almost like they are just pocketing the 2500 down

I’d get rid of the down and use MSDs instead. Also get a worksheet because the numbers don’t work out so there must be some fees etc they’re tacking on the backend

Just by plugging some numbers it almost seems they are keeping either the down payment or dealer incentives and presenting it as money off MSRP. if anyone can confirm that, it would be awesome

There $5750 drive off is made up of $2500 das “customer cash” and $3250 incentive I believe.

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A couple things:

  1. You are missing the wonderful Florida doc fee. Probably 799 or 899

  2. It’s not 2500 down as you have in your calculator, it’s probably more like this.
    Lease calc

Two things

  1. Why does the down payment number drop to $700 in the link you provided
  2. You have it at 12k miles when the deal is for 10k
  1. Total of your pocket is 2500, most is going to first month, tax, doc fee, licensing, only 693 is going to cash cap reduction. So the down is not 2500, it’s more like 700 to get you to 2500

  2. I am just lazy and didn’t put 10k, but it’s the correct residual.

Thank you for the clarification. Does the deal look to be solid in your opinion? I noticed when switching to 10k miles on the calculator it dropped down to 395$

When you switch the mileage on the calculator, it changes the residual. Make sure the residual in the calculator matches. The actual mileage doesn’t matter.

No I do not think it is a solid deal. I am a Florida broker, and I bring most of my BMWs from out of state because of the doc fee and the deals that can be had out of state.

Thanks for the honesty. Going out of state is kind of out of the question with work and life. The better question should be, is this a solid deal for the location?

You could use a broker that goes out of state to bring BMWs for cheaper in.

I think I know where you could find one.

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You are paying $477 ( dividing your 2500) a month for a x1 that is a lot of money.

I would push harder if you want to stay local. Or move to another Florida dealer. I leased my personal car from a FL dealer and just takes times to put a deal together

I appreciate all the input, back to the drawing board!

I got a Loaner BMW X1 xDrive with 1000miles on the ODO
MSRP 37.5K, $187/mth, 24/10K, DAS was around $1900 through HN308