2019 BMW X5 40i


Hey guys, this is my first post. I stumbled on this great forum while researching leasing.
I’m looking at an MSRP of $69,530
Negotiated down to 63,900
A 36mo, 10k lease breaks down as:
925 acquisition fee
75 doc fee
2729.23 taxes
826.44 for 1st payment
Total: $4,555 at inception + Registration

If I wrap $3,000 into the monthly payment, it becomes $1500 at inception and 929/month (taxes included)

MF is 0.00182
Residual is $41,000

Any thoughts?

Thank you

that’s a very expensive lease for a 69k car but that’s a new model so discounts won’t be as significant.

Thoughts? See if @nyclife, a broker, can beat it.