2019 BMW i8 Roadster - Loaded out with $175K+ MSRP

Applicant #2 turned down. 800+ credit and personal income of $600k (what he told me, didn’t see the credit app).

I have another person submitting tomorrow now. BMW may make their annual number from credit app fees!


Wow. For a lease transfer on a $175k car, I suspect assets (cash equivalent or M2 easily convertible to cash) and exotic/100k lease history is probably more important than income, since the $1100 payment is within reach at a much lower income.

Thanks for the update. Good luck finding the right person.

From what I heard, BMWFS made the criteria much more stringent May 2020 onwards. I think from the bank’s perspective too many “well-qualified” applicants took payment breaks on 100K+ cars. I know a broker on this site a couple months ago posted that many of his clients that would have been approved in the past, have been getting rejected lately.

That sounds like a perfect example of how one may be a victim of their own responsible credit history. BMWFS knows you are “good for it” and is reluctant to take on a new risk.

My applicant had income over 1 mill last year and 820 credit. Transfer complete. My car should be deleted off the site! Good luck


Still available.

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now you know the hell i went through getting 19 of these approved last year…

Yes Mike but we like seeing you miserable. I feel bad for OP

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OP is going to move his car the second someone gets approved. it’s the most expensive i8 in the country.

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Love this. The interior of my wife’s car, being a nurse who works overnights, is not pretty.

This is so crazy. BMW should not make it this hard to transfer a $1,200 lease payment for 17 months. Getting declined with high income and strong credit must feel like a total kick in the nuts given how low the payment is for this car. Seems a little silly to be denying future customers and leaving a bad taste in everyone’s mouths.


No need to feel sorry for me. I entered into this i8 lease knowing it was a high price lease that may limit the swap market, a car that has a certain following but not a broad appeal, etc.

That being said, I didn’t expect that it would be this difficult for people that did want to proceed that I’d have expected to be qualified.

I spoke to someone over the weekend that has a 25 yr history with BMW leases, has a 760 and an M series lease now. I’m hoping that this will be the exact profile I need to get it moved. Should know in the next 24 hrs. Consider it pending for now :slight_smile:


4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Off Topic Landfill 4

Edit - officially firmly pending. Credit finally approved and the process begins.


Love your plates choice!

PM a mod to re-open, if needed.