2019 BMW i8 Roadster - Loaded out with $175K+ MSRP

That does seem to be the case, unfortunately.

Approval criteria are different for purchase financing vs leasing for the same consumer on the same car.

Why wouldn’t a new lease and a transfer be evaluated differently?

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If BMW FS has someone on the hook for the car who they have a history with and that they trust, they take on more risk to transfer that obligation to somebody else. Even if the new applicant was exactly the same credit risk as the original leasee on paper…This is why I have had some problems doing swaps in the past. If the other person’s credit is even slightly less attractive, BMWFS may bounce them.

So yes, if you have absolutely stellar credit history (and check all of the boxes the leasing company wants to see) you can be penalized for it when trying to swap :frowning:

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Couldn’t be said better.

Applicant #2 turned down. 800+ credit and personal income of $600k (what he told me, didn’t see the credit app).

I have another person submitting tomorrow now. BMW may make their annual number from credit app fees!


Wow. For a lease transfer on a $175k car, I suspect assets (cash equivalent or M2 easily convertible to cash) and exotic/100k lease history is probably more important than income, since the $1100 payment is within reach at a much lower income.

Thanks for the update. Good luck finding the right person.

From what I heard, BMWFS made the criteria much more stringent May 2020 onwards. I think from the bank’s perspective too many “well-qualified” applicants took payment breaks on 100K+ cars. I know a broker on this site a couple months ago posted that many of his clients that would have been approved in the past, have been getting rejected lately.

That sounds like a perfect example of how one may be a victim of their own responsible credit history. BMWFS knows you are “good for it” and is reluctant to take on a new risk.

My applicant had income over 1 mill last year and 820 credit. Transfer complete. My car should be deleted off the site! Good luck


Still available.

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now you know the hell i went through getting 19 of these approved last year…

Yes Mike but we like seeing you miserable. I feel bad for OP

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OP is going to move his car the second someone gets approved. it’s the most expensive i8 in the country.

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Love this. The interior of my wife’s car, being a nurse who works overnights, is not pretty.

This is so crazy. BMW should not make it this hard to transfer a $1,200 lease payment for 17 months. Getting declined with high income and strong credit must feel like a total kick in the nuts given how low the payment is for this car. Seems a little silly to be denying future customers and leaving a bad taste in everyone’s mouths.


No need to feel sorry for me. I entered into this i8 lease knowing it was a high price lease that may limit the swap market, a car that has a certain following but not a broad appeal, etc.

That being said, I didn’t expect that it would be this difficult for people that did want to proceed that I’d have expected to be qualified.

I spoke to someone over the weekend that has a 25 yr history with BMW leases, has a 760 and an M series lease now. I’m hoping that this will be the exact profile I need to get it moved. Should know in the next 24 hrs. Consider it pending for now :slight_smile:


4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Off Topic Landfill 4

Edit - officially firmly pending. Credit finally approved and the process begins.


Love your plates choice!

PM a mod to re-open, if needed.