2019 BMW i8 Roadster, 171k msrp.. $1,016/month + tax + msds + inceptions including loyalty. [NJ/NY/PA/CT]

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Year, Make, Model, and Trim: 2019 BMW i8 Roadster
MSRP: $ 171k
Monthly Payment: $ 1016 + tax
Drive-Off Amount: $ 1st month, dmv, doc, bank and msds
Months: 36
Annual Mileage: 10k
MF: .00177
Residual: 58%
Available Incentives: 1500 loyalty included
Region: [NJ/NY/PA/CT]

Saved Numbers on Leasehackr Calculator: leasehackr.com/calculator?make=BMW&msrp=171065&sales_price=128321&months=36&mf=.00177&dp=0&doc_fee=144&acq_fee=925&taxed_inc=3965&untaxed_inc=0&rebate=0&resP=58&reg_fee=400&sales_tax=0&memo=&acqFee_check=true&monthlyTax_radio=true&miles=10000&msd=7


On this one we gotta see some pics just to enjoy !


Only 20% discount? Demo or new?

New car, 21%

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Damn…killer deal!

I’m interested. How can I reach you?

This is definitely a unicorn for a vert i8. Whoever gets this please load up on pics and upload to trophy garage!

Had @PrettyBoyAJ waited for few more months, forum would have gotten some entertainment and he would have gotten the car for the price he was looking for :slight_smile: .

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Also, there is a $1500 rebate from bmwcca. So the monthly lease can come down to $1180 after the rebate.

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$222 too much :rofl::joy:

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If only the windows rolled all the way down…

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Wonder if AMG GT leases this well…

This would be in the GTS/R price point by comparison.

You would never get a GTR to lease well. GTS possibly

Updated for April!



I am interested in this deal. How should we proceed?


Paging @PrettyBoyAJ

Currently pending, thanks guys

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Correct deal. Wish I caught it earlier.

Q, out of curiosity, which color? Orange?