2019 BMW 530e M Sport $505 1,800+ Miles Per Month White on Black $500 down

Year, Make, Model, and Trim: 2019 BMW 530e M Sport
Location: Orange County, CA

MSRP: $60,000
Monthly payment (pre-tax): $505.87
Effective monthly payment (if incentive is provided):

Current mileage: 17,xxx
Maturity mileage: 40,512
Effective miles per month: 1,800+
Maturity date: 02/10/2022

MSD due (if any): $0
Cash due (if any): $500
Incentive for new lessee (if any):

Financial institution: BMWFS
Transfer fee: $500
Out-of-state transfer allowed (yes/no): Yes

Vehicle condition (accidents, tire wear, etc.), options, and other details: Like new, no scratches, curb rash, dents, dings, etc. Black interior. Windows tinted, CA HOV stickers (purple) good through lease.

I put a significant amount down to get this monthly payment, looking to recover $500 of it.

Residual is $35,033.00.


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If the cash due is on top of standard transfer fee to BMWFS, and it’s to you, please put it as DAS in the title. If “cash due” just means standard $500 transfer fee, please edit the post to remove “cash due” amount. Fee is already listed.

Updated, thank you!

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Any chance you can post window sticker? Thx.

Great deal… someone grab it.

Added interior pictures and a window sticker I pulled online since I no longer have the original!

Thanks much! Not for us, but sure you’ll have a deal quick.

How do you pull a sticker online?

I hope so, thank you!

Withclutch or Monroney

Hello Zain,

I am highly interested in the vehicle so let me know the process for the transfer. Also, what’s the residual value for the car after the lease ends?

Thank you,

PM sent, let me know if you have any other questions!

Could you send the residual value at lease end of this vehicle please.

PM sent, let me know if there’s anything else!

I am interested - can I get the residual if the car is still available?

Residual is $35,033.00.

was this a loaner or demo vehicle?

It was a loaner with 4,512 miles, driven mostly by me when my 6 series Grancoupe kept having cylinder failures which is what led me to get it lol

Is this still available?

Yeah it still is!