62,800 msrp
$6900 off (~11%)
$8250 in rebates
.00169 (dealer as marked it up from .00165 - I’m expecting at least that to go away)
56% residual (3yr/36)
NEW, not demo
$3K down (8% tax upfront)
Is this a decent deal? How much more off can I push for without making enemies?! The car has been on the dealers lot for almost a year, and has several others like it of similar age.
BTW, I cant get the calculator on here to match what the dealer quoted me, its off by a lot. Has anyone else had this issue?
If your near N.J. I would search for N.J. dealers as you can apply MSDs, also shoot for 13-15% off Msrp pre incentives, if you go for a loaner you can get a much much better deal
I like demos for leases cause you save ALOT usually over a new car and it’s a lease either way so in my opinion your returning the car anyways (pretty much like a rent a car) no point in buying one after the lease is up due to the inflated residuals.
It’s on a per person basis, on my car I had to pay 2100 in MSDs and save around 25 a month, yeah I could have put 2k at signing and my monthly would have been 80 dollars less but the total cost of the lease would be mich more than if I were to do MSDs, instead of just having the money in a bank account I would rather it lower my monthly then get it back or roll it into another car.
Yeah I mean some people get more than 15, someone post 18% off on a new but it was a coupe not a Gran coupe on Gran coupes im really not seeing anything higher than 16% and that’s on loaners this month, look at the marketplace I think there are some really good deals there too