2019 audi q8 residual + MF?

Year: 2019
Make, Model, and Trim: Audi Q8
Months/Annual Mileage: 36 months 12k miles
Zip Code: 91364

What is the money factor and residual on this make and model? Thank you fellow hackrs!

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Just clicked the link out of curiosity.

Check this user’s comment

*First time leasing a car so completely new to the game *

Looking at a Q8 premium plus year one with driver assist and towing package. *
Vin number for the car is *

*Looking at a 36 month lease with 12k miles. Audi Dallas is quoting me a MF of .00354 with residual 58 percent. *

*With this they quoted me lease payments of 1175/ month with 10k down. We started at 1375/ month but was able to get him down with lease incentives and other offers from Audis in South Texas. *

*How do I know if I’m getting a good deal? *

MSRP is 78940

I sometimes am surprised how dealers absolutely fleece customers. I mean if you are able to afford high payments like this shouldn’t you be a little smarter with your money? It’s really sad how dumb people can be