2019 Alfa Romeo Giulia Base Nero Package RWD + Tire insurance ($322 + Tax) $0 Down!

Can you DM me im interested if its still available.

I’ll dm you

Is Ally allowing lease transfers again?

I don’t think so, just a waiting game now!

Is the incentive $1k or $1,500? Small chance I might know someone interested

It’s 1500.

is out of state not allowed (in Florida)?

OK you’re just asking for transfer fee but offering $1,500 on successful transfer? Let me know once transfers are allowed and I might have someone who will take this.

Not allowed for ally.

Hi, is this still available?

Hi. I’m interested. Still available?

If there was no reply 4 mos ago, nor 6 mos before that, why would there be one now?