2018 Volvo XC 90 T5 AWD Momentum $56580 MSRP 24/15K Lease $1083 Drive off, $571+tax a month

Just wanted to add my recent XC90 lease numbers to the group.

The biggest thanks goes to @mllcb42. Appreciate his tips on his experience with local Volvo dealers, it was extremely helpful in getting the deal. It helped that it was close to the end of the month.

Year, Make, Model, and Trim:
2018 XC90 T5 AWD Momentum

**MSRP: $56580.00
**Selling Price: $46788.91 + $600 Wear and Tear (I got this from the finance dept, probably not necessary on a 24 month lease)
**Monthly Payment: $619.76 (including tax)
**Down Payment: $1083
**MSD: none
**Incentives: $750 A-Plan

**Months: 24
**Annual Mileage: 15,000 miles
**MF: 0.00099
**Residual: 65%

**Zip Code: 93662
**Leasehackr Score: 8.1
**Pre-filled Calculator link: CALCULATOR | LEASEHACKR

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Thanks for details. I am looking for one too