2018 Mercedes E300, Good Deal?

Calculator: leasehackr.com/calculator?make=Mercedes-Benz&msrp=59335&sales_price=51335&months=36&mf=0.00026&dp=0&doc_fee=0&acq_fee=795&taxed_inc=0&untaxed_inc=0&rebate=0&resP=55&reg_fee=642&sales_tax=10&memo=&monthlyTax_radio=true&miles=12000&msd=10

New car, not a loaner

MSRP: $59,335
Sales Price: $51,335
Money Factor: 0.00026
Multiple Security Deposit (MSD): 10 x $700
Money Factor after MSD: 0.00001
Document Fee: 0
Acquisition Fee: 795

Miles/year: 12,000
Months: 36
Residual: 55%

Registration Fees: 642 (CA is high :frowning: )
Sales Tax: 9.5% (CA is high…)

Pre-tax Monthly Payment: $542
Monthly Payment with tax: $594

The calculator shows refundable MSD is 6500 but contract says 7000. Not sure why…

I feel like I can push for even more, but didn’t pursue in the end.

So you aren’t interested in the e300 anymore?

I meant I feel like i can push for a monthly lower than $542(pretax), but didn’t ask for a lower. I leased with 542pretax in the end

So did you sign the deal? Some of the numbers don’t make sense.

I did. What number doesn’t make sense?

Doc fee can’t be $0 in CA. Never seen a MB dealer not mark up the acq fee by $300 and if the buyrate MF was .00026, there’s no point in putting down 10 MSDs.

I didn’t open the calculator during that time… yeah. I went home and played the calculator it seems 4 MSD will give me 0.00001 MF as well. Below the photo i took for the lease, I was surprised with the doc fee as well?

I just looked at the final contract. The doc processing fee is $85 but the acq fee is $595. I guess they played around the numbers since I asked $590/mo from their offer $615

Contract might get kicked back by MBFS then since the acq fee can’t be that low. CA state law also says max doc fee is $80. If it is kicked back, tell the dealer to correct the MSD amount.

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Sure. I will do that if it gets kicked back. Except the MSDs, is this $595 deal good enough?

Probably average for a 2018. Honestly, I’d rather get a loaner for much cheaper.

Yeah… I feel so. Unfortunately they don’t have any loaner left so…