2018 macan S, is this a good deal?

Year: 2018
Make, Model, and Trim: Porsche Macan S
Months/Annual Mileage: 36 mo/ 12k
Zip Code: 90007

Hey guys, first time poster here. Have a macan S now and wanted to lease a new one since mine is about to be up. This dealership has 1 Macan S left.

MSRP is 70,760, got the salesman to go down to 64,760 (6k discount).
Money factor is .0029 (i know this is high, but he said porsche doesn’t negotiate these?)

The deal came out to 1018 a month (not sure if this is with or without taxes?) and about a 2800 drive off. Do you all think this is a good deal? Thanks a lot for reading, hope to contribute to the forum in a meaningful way!

Sounds like a really bad deal to me. Payment is rather high, and the discount seems low for a 2018?


i thought the payment was pretty high too. however, I have been reading around that porsche discounts about 3-8% off of msrp, and this discount is at about 8.4%. it looks like the money factor is what’s hurting me on this deal. anyone know if porsche negotiates these? Thanks for your input @Xolinlevh

That’s an effective $1,098 payment with the drive off rolled in

At 3.11% interest, one can finance $64k for $1,153

If this is the car for you, buy it. Sell it when you’re done. You’ll be :moneybag: ahead that way.


Thanks for the numbers @anon92897398. Unfortunately it’s not my dream car or something I would purchase (not my first choice in color and wheels), but as far as a lease goes, what do you think about the deal? Thanks for the input.

The deal is so poor that financing makes more sense. That’s what I think.



when you say finance, do you mean getting a loan from a third party bank? Sorry, been leasing cars for years not but finally trying to learn and get serious about it. thanks @anon92897398


Where did you get the 3.11% figure from? Just trying to understand a little bit more :stuck_out_tongue:

Just google “car loan calculator” and google provides a handy widget with something close to the going rate already pre-populated.

You gotta help yourself a little, friend. Between this and asking what “financing” means, methinks you need some time studying very basic tenets.

trust me, I have been doing plenty of research. I understand all the leasing jargon and what not, just never bought a car so didn’t know how that process works. Appreciate your comments, though. Just trying to understand if you all think this is a decent deal (which I take it’s not!)

Can someone afford a $1k/mo lease be that bad with money?

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It’s a terrible deal.

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@tqpolo don’t know why you have to be condescending, lol. I am an attorney, so maybe that’s why I’m not the best w/ numbers.

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You’re going to drop $1100+ a month on a car that’s not a “dream car”?

I really have nothing else to add…


If it was a good deal, I was going to take. but, clearly it is not. just trying to get feedback on if it’s a good deal. any suggestion on discount you think would make this a good deal?

I think what others are trying to say here, is; you’re preparing to spend well over 1k a month on a lease which is generally considered to be an exorbitant amount of money. Definitely more than what the average person can pay… 1k gets you a whole lot of car including cars well in the 100k+ range of pricing.

You asked some VERY basic financial questions and to some people, to be in a position to spend 1k a month and not understand that financing a loan basically means you’re taking money out to buy a car as opposed to paying cash for it or leasing it really leaves people questioning what’s going on.

Start with the Edmunds website and click on their articles to read about “Financing Vs. Leasing” and any article link that has to do with Financing or Leasing.

The deal you posted was a pretty bad deal and it makes more sense to simply finance the Macan over leasing it. You’ll make out better.


appreciate the constructive comments, thanks @StingerTT. I understand the distinction between financing and leasing, however, I (mistakenly) thought that you could only finance a purchase of a porsche through them. That’s why I asked if the poster meant through a third party source.

I realize that 1k a month is a lot, but porsche have notoriously bad lease programs. I wanted to know if, considering this was a porsche, the discount I got was good and if there was anything else I could negotiate to get a better deal?

Honestly, and no snark intended: hire a broker.

It’ll be the best couple hundred or so you can spend.

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