2018 Chevy Volt

Year: [2018]
Make, Model, and Trim: [Chevy Volt Premier, loaded]
Months/Annual Mileage: [36/15K]
Zip Code: [15089]

Current lease is up mid-October. Appreciate any help!

I didn’t see a question there…

But for what it’s worth right now the leases on Chevy Bolts are better (due to more incentives) than on the Volt. Consider switching to a Volt.

Sorry, looking for MF/RV info on
Volt Premier, loaded
36 months, 15K/ year


Does anyone have MF/RV and rebate info for:

Chevrolet VOLT LT
3 years/12k and 3 years/10k
91202 (Southern California)

Check Edmunds forums - lot faster

Also paging @ChevyPhil and @chevysalesgirl

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1.27% rate
.51 on 10k
.5 on 12k