2018 BMW M3 Seden Brand New $667/mo 36/10k

Don’t know what your drive offs are but make sure your at 12/13% off before any incentives and drive offs.

No drive off except MSD. They are basically taking $8000 off before $3500 lease cash. Which is 10.78% off MSRP.

It was hard to tell from your details. You need a better discount especially if it does not have the comp package.

I am not sure how are you getting sign & drive for $667.11 + tax if they’re only taking 10.78% off :slight_smile: Something must be off. You didn’t provide full details here.

No comp package. I am hoping under $600 before sale tax. Not sure if it is possible.

Take a look here:

You want to aim for at least 12% off.

Agree full details will be helpful. I’m guessing your discount is greater than that since you buried your drive offs in our selling price

Lease quote provided above

Run it through the calculator. Something seems to be missing but I could be wrong.

Sometimes I do not understand their lease quote sheet either. I run the numbers with my own excel calculator.

What region are you in?

Can you get back to their number? Either way now is the time to shoot for the stars. Personally without the comp package it would have to be one heck of a deal.

Midwest 202020

I just told the sale guy that it is above my budget. I have been talking with him since March. He initially quoted me $697 for 36/10k. I think this is the best they could do.

What is the $1,149? I don’t understand. cap Cost reduction?

I don’t understand either. All I requested is zero drive off except MSD and registration. He quoted me $667.

Doc says no tax or registration so payment will go above $700/month. Only thing missing is doc fee so likely that $1,149 includes cap cost reduction in it.
Ask them for a breakdown of that line; hopefully it’s tax.

Doc fee should be zero as I asked for zero down. But this is higher than what I wanted to pay…

You still have to pay for it… zero down just means you are rolling it into the payment but still needs show up on the breakdown.