2018 BMW 640xi GT $2,005 DAS $631 + Tax Ex Loaner SOLD

Yah, I waived the reg/lic fees so almost cancelled each other out

This comment deserves more hearts :laughing:

If you need what it has to offer the 640i GT is an awesome car.


Thatā€™s a really nice vid! Thanks for sharing. I donā€™t like the design of the rear (personal preference.) The previous designs, one can easily recognize a 6 series. But this GT makes it look too much like 5 series. Same opinion and grudge I have against the new Mercedes E and S class- looks too much like a C class- you know what I mean?

Man this video has changed my bias somewhat. I really want to get GC but this looks more practical. Needs to be cheaper as well :grin:

All of the Savage Geese videos are well worth watching if you are interested in cars. I donā€™t think anyone else has the production values he is putting into his reviews.

Iā€™m biased because I own a 2014 BMW 328i GT. Everyone in my family is tall and we really needed that extra rear seat legroom. Essentially the car is an SUV substitute. It has the room and practicality of an SUV while still being a car.

The Gran Tourism label is perfect for this car. It is a superb grand touring car. I have had it on several 1000+ mile vacation road trips and it is fantastic to drive 400 miles and get of the car not feeling exhausted. It makes you want to take long trips. It was such a good car that I bought mine when the lease expired. I plan to keep it until it has some major issues or I find something I like better. I would love to get ahold of a 640i GT but I canā€™t justify paying that much for a car and I canā€™t keep the car after the warranty due to all the expensive to fix tech on the car.

If you donā€™t need the rear seat space the 4 Grand Coupe is a better looking car. I looked at one and it was just too cramped in the back seat.

Here is mine a thousand miles from home in Yellowstone.


I must say I really like my 2017 340 GT a lot. The amount of space in this car is insane for a 3 series. Especially the back seats. Great car if you have small kids.

And the 5 GT sits on a 7 series chassis. Many a passengers have remarked on the spaciousness and comfort of the backseat.

I certainly hope ppl keeping hating on them so I can get a better deal on the 6 :wink:

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suuh ugly ā€¦but iā€™d drive it for the right price if i needed a car :rofl::grinning::sunglasses:

I was actually thinking about picking up one from the auction if it was for the right priceā€¦

Half the price of a regular 6 series :joy:

The only thing I wish my car had is the 6 cylinder engine instead of the 4.

So funny. When i was leasing a 328, i saw this gt everyday in the garage at work and keep thinking ā€œwho drives this ugly car while you can get the sedanā€.
Well, the right price got me into the GT. Now i like the car. :grinning:

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gotta compete with the allroad i guess

I actually really like wagons like the Allroad, V60CC, V90CC, etc. For every car, I guess youā€™ll always find people that love or hate it.

@Samson Good luck with the sale. Youā€™ll eventually find that one guy that loves this. :+1:

Any chance the deal will be sweetened ? I need to stop visiting the thread.

Title was updated to ā€œdeal pendingā€ so I think this ship has sailed

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iā€™d say it looks better than the 5 series (previous generation) I loved my 535GT, but too many issues outside of warranty. I want to lease new 640GT next year. canā€™t wait.

iā€™ll take 5 door liftback/hatchback over 4 door sedan any day!

savagegeese videos are brutally honest and spot on. He loved this oneā€¦