2018 BMW 340i w/M sport-$57k MSRP- $360/mo+tax - DAS: 7 MSD + transfer fee

Year, Make, Model, and Trim: 2018 BMW 340i M-sport. Has HUD, heated seats, CarPlay, Harman Kardon sound system, NAV, keyless entry etc.

Location: Los Angeles, CA (SFV)

MSRP: 57,095
Monthly payment (pre-tax): $360
Effective monthly payment (if incentive is provided):

Current mileage: 11,402 (not commuting ATM)
Maturity mileage: 24,028
Effective miles per month: ~1,052/month
Maturity date: April 30, 2021

MSD due (if any): 2,800
Cash due (if any):
Incentive for new lessee (if any):

Financial institution: BMWFS
Transfer fee: $500
Out-of-state transfer allowed (yes/no): prefer to stay local

Vehicle condition (accidents, tire wear, etc.), options, and other details: Was in a minor NAF accident in October with damage to left side of front end. Car was repaired to OEM spec by a reputable shop and looks as good as new. Has 35% tint on all windows except windshield with M grills (have originals as well).

Can provide any details necessary. Reason I’m getting rid of it is I’ve been getting killed by insurance since day 1 and trying to cut back on expenses. DM if interested.

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Great deal on an awesome car!
GLWT and sorry to see you leave the 340i club so soon.
I know how much the insurance can suck at that age though!

Added pictures from today and sticker.

Reach out if interested, thanks!

Updated with current miles, DM if interested. thanks!!

Just renewed CA registration. Also updated original post with miles left. over 1000mi/mo!!! Dm if interested.

Maybe try swapalease for more exposure?

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Still available?

Serious question for the peanut gallery.

Is the damage history a concern at all from a lease and return perspective?

I have never transferred a lease before. Do I need to worry about this with BMWFS?

If it’s been repaired by an OEM facility to their specs, it shouldn’t have any problems passing lease inspection. I had an AMG Mercedes that I was leasing that was in an accident. It was repaired by a Mercedes dealer with OEM parts. It still had some panel misalignments but they didn’t ding me for it, because I did everything I could do to have it repaired using their requirements.

Can you show it in person? Pretty interested but would like to check out the condition.

Yea, I’ll PM you!

Transfer complete please close.