2018 328d xDrive Sport Wagon $56k MSRP / $283mo / $2450 MSD / 11mo / 18k Miles Remaining

Year, Make, Model, and Trim: 2018 BMW 328d xDrive Sport Wagon
Location: Indianapolis, IN

MSRP: $56k
Monthly payment (pre-tax): 283.26
Effective monthly payment (if incentive is provided):

Current mileage: 15,135
Maturity mileage: 33,470
Effective miles per month: 1,667
Maturity date: 3/9/2022

MSD due (if any): $2,450
Cash due (if any):
Incentive for new lessee (if any):

Financial institution: BMW Financial Services
Transfer fee: $500
Out-of-state transfer allowed (yes/no): Yes

Vehicle condition (accidents, tire wear, etc.), options, and other details: This F31 is finished in Mineral White Metallic over tan leather, and the vehicle is in great condition, consistent with what a car with only 15k miles should look like. Tires are 8/32 all around, I have all weather and carpet mats, two cargo covers, and pet divider. Very high spec vehicle with premium and executive packages along with adaptive LED headlights, parking assist, a digital instrument cluster, a head up display, iDrive with navigation, Apple CarPlay, and more. This would be a great car for someone who is picking their commute back up as it gets over 40 mpg on the highway. We are working from home permanently, so we no longer have a need for two daily drivers.

Photos: Please see photos in my posts below.


Love this. Diesel longroof. Great payment!

@JD81 this has your name all over it


Great deal and this is an awesome car. We had a 2016 model of this car and my wife still talks about it to this day.

That’s pretty good, the colors are…suboptimal for 2 toddlers and a dog, but it’s not forever…hmm. Need pictures. I’m in NorKY, what part of Indiana?

Hi there! I’m in Indianapolis. I will have photos of the car and the window sticker posted to this thread tomorrow. It’s been raining on and off all day today, and I want to present its condition honestly.

I just ordered Ivory interior w a toddler, dog, and baby on the way.

If you want the car, you’ll be just fine and find a way.

Works perfect with kids (food crumbs, bits, detritus…) and a light colored dog :+1: gray is good too :slight_smile:

Black… everything stands out on black :frowning:

I’m interested and I’m just east of Ft Wayne. I’m working with GM to get a buyback of my Chevy Bolt, and they expect to get back to me early next week. I hope this is still available if my buyback is approved, as I’d love to get this. My favorite car was my 2006 325xi wagon. Underappreciated car in north america!

Lord forgive me for what I’m thinking :man_facepalming:





Hey there, Kayza. Please let me know when your buyback is complete. I will keep the availability updated in this thread as well.

Thanks for your interest!

Great deal. Reminds me of the good old bmw days of 2019. This would sell in a minute with downpayment and msds on swapalease if no one here takes it.


I miss my 2010 335d. Best car I have ever had.

If it was closer to me (FL) I would get this knowing this is not 35d. I am actually looking for a car. I can drive up to IN but don’t want to deal with possibility of having to drive back up for lease end. Love how diesels drive in town AND highway. 0-60 is overblown IMHO and one needs to test drive diesels (or electric, minus exhaust sound) to know why. Sadly, the brief diesel stint in USA is over.

Hey there,
I believe you can turn the lease in at any BMW dealership provided you reach out and make an appointment. I have leased multiple BMWs out of state and turned them in locally. You will definitely want to double check, but I have personally not had any issues.


@paul2241 I hear you. That’s how it has usually worked. Of late though, I have heard of many cases where dealers refuse to take delivery of lease-end for various reasons, unless it is the originating dealer. I want to avoid that scenario and that’s why the hesitation.


What’s the lease end buy out?

GM called me today. No lemon law protections for me here in Ohio, so as expected, they didn’t offer a buyback. So I have to pass on this. excellent car tho!

Hi. I don’t know if the problem is on my end or on LH’s, but I have tried two different browsers and none of your photos are loading. Is there any other way I can view them? Good possibility we are interested, but I would like to see the photos before wasting your time or mine.
